DDOT BUS SCHEDULE 7 SEVEN MILE. Bus Schedule DDOT 7 discover your next journey with DDOT! Our bus schedules are meticulously organized for your convenience. At the top of our schedule, we feature key stops, listed sequentially for easy navigation. To find out when the bus departs from each major stop, simply glance down the corresponding column. But that’s not all – our buses also serve numerous additional stops along the route. For a comprehensive list of all stops, including those between the major ones, be sure to visit our stops page. Travel smart and efficiently with DDOT’s well-structured bus schedules!


Day of week: Weekday
Direction: Westbound

Moross & Mack
Harper & Morang
7 Mile & Chalmers
7 Mile & E Outer Dr
7 Mile & Van Dyke
7 Mile & Ryan
7 Mile & Woodward
7 Mile & Livernois
7 Mile & James Couzens
7 Mile & Greenfield
7 Mile & Evergreen
Meijer Old Redford
03:55 03:59 04:10 04:16 04:18 04:25 04:35 04:39 04:47 04:49 04:56 05:05
04:30 04:34 04:45 04:51 04:53 05:00 05:10 05:14 05:22 05:24 05:31 05:40
05:00 05:04 05:15 05:21 05:23 05:30 05:40 05:44 05:52 05:54 06:01 06:10
05:20 05:24 05:35 05:41 05:43 05:50 06:00 06:04 06:12 06:14 06:21 06:30
05:40 05:44 05:55 06:01 06:03 06:10 06:20 06:24 06:32 06:35 06:42 06:51
06:00 06:04 06:15 06:21 06:23 06:30 06:40 06:45 06:53 06:56 07:03 07:12
06:19 06:23 06:34 06:42 06:44 06:52 07:02 07:07 07:15 07:18 07:25 07:34
06:39 06:44 06:55 07:03 07:05 07:13 07:23 07:28 07:36 07:39 07:46 07:55
06:59 07:04 07:15 07:23 07:25 07:33 07:43 07:48 07:56 07:59 08:06 08:15
07:19 07:24 07:35 07:43 07:45 07:53 08:03 08:08 08:16 08:19 08:26 08:35
07:29 07:34 07:45 07:53 07:55 08:03 08:13 08:18 08:26 08:29 08:36 08:45
07:39 07:44 07:55 08:03 08:05 08:13 08:23 08:28 08:36 08:39 08:46 08:55
07:49 07:54 08:05 08:13 08:15 08:23 08:33 08:38 08:46 08:49 08:56 09:06
07:58 08:03 08:14 08:22 08:24 08:32 08:42 08:47 08:55 08:58 09:05 09:15
08:18 08:23 08:34 08:42 08:44 08:52 09:02 09:07 09:16 09:19 09:26 09:36
08:37 08:42 08:53 09:01 09:03 09:11 09:21 09:26 09:35 09:38 09:45 09:55
08:57 09:02 09:13 09:20 09:22 09:30 09:40 09:45 09:54 09:57 10:04 10:14
09:17 09:22 09:33 09:40 09:42 09:50 10:00 10:05 10:14 10:17 10:24 10:34
09:37 09:42 09:53 10:00 10:02 10:10 10:20 10:25 10:34 10:37 10:44 10:54
09:57 10:02 10:13 10:20 10:22 10:30 10:40 10:45 10:54 10:57 11:04 11:14
10:17 10:22 10:33 10:40 10:42 10:50 11:00 11:05 11:14 11:17 11:24 11:34
10:37 10:42 10:53 11:00 11:02 11:10 11:20 11:25 11:34 11:37 11:44 11:54
10:57 11:02 11:13 11:20 11:22 11:30 11:40 11:45 11:54 11:57 12:04 12:14
11:17 11:22 11:33 11:40 11:42 11:50 12:00 12:05 12:14 12:17 12:24 12:34
11:37 11:42 11:53 12:00 12:02 12:10 12:21 12:26 12:35 12:38 12:45 12:55
11:58 12:03 12:14 12:21 12:23 12:31 12:42 12:47 12:56 12:59 01:06 01:16
12:19 12:24 12:35 12:42 12:44 12:52 01:03 01:08 01:17 01:20 01:27 01:37
12:40 12:45 12:56 01:03 01:05 01:13 01:24 01:29 01:38 01:41 01:48 01:58
01:00 01:05 01:16 01:23 01:25 01:33 01:44 01:49 01:58 02:01 02:08 02:18
01:20 01:25 01:36 01:43 01:45 01:53 02:04 02:09 02:18 02:21 02:28 02:38
01:40 01:45 01:56 02:03 02:05 02:13 02:24 02:29 02:39 02:42 02:50 03:00
02:00 02:05 02:16 02:23 02:25 02:33 02:45 02:51 03:01 03:04 03:12 03:22
02:20 02:25 02:37 02:45 02:47 02:56 03:08 03:14 03:24 03:27 03:35 03:45
02:40 02:45 02:57 03:05 03:07 03:16 03:28 03:34 03:44 03:47 03:55 04:05
03:00 03:05 03:17 03:25 03:27 03:36 03:48 03:54 04:04 04:07 04:15 04:25
03:20 03:25 03:37 03:45 03:47 03:56 04:08 04:14 04:24 04:27 04:35 04:45
03:35 03:40 03:52 04:00 04:02 04:11 04:23 04:29 04:39 04:42 04:50 05:00
03:40 03:45 03:57 04:05 04:07 04:16 04:28 04:34 04:44 04:47 04:55 05:05
04:00 04:05 04:17 04:25 04:27 04:36 04:48 04:54 05:04 05:07 05:15 05:25
04:20 04:25 04:37 04:45 04:47 04:56 05:08 05:14 05:24 05:27 05:35 05:45
04:40 04:45 04:57 05:05 05:07 05:16 05:28 05:34 05:44 05:47 05:55 06:05
05:00 05:05 05:17 05:25 05:27 05:36 05:47 05:52 06:01 06:04 06:12 06:22
05:20 05:25 05:37 05:44 05:46 05:54 06:05 06:10 06:19 06:22 06:30 06:40
05:40 05:45 05:56 06:03 06:05 06:13 06:24 06:29 06:38 06:41 06:49 06:59
06:00 06:05 06:16 06:23 06:25 06:33 06:44 06:49 06:58 07:01 07:09 07:19
06:20 06:25 06:36 06:43 06:45 06:53 07:04 07:09 07:18 07:21 07:29 07:39
06:40 06:45 06:56 07:03 07:05 07:13 07:24 07:29 07:38 07:41 07:49 07:59
07:00 07:05 07:16 07:23 07:25 07:33 07:44 07:49 07:58 08:01 08:08 08:18
07:20 07:25 07:36 07:43 07:45 07:53 08:04 08:08 08:16 08:18 08:25 08:35
07:40 07:45 07:56 08:03 08:05 08:13 08:23 08:27 08:35 08:37 08:44 08:54
08:00 08:04 08:15 08:22 08:24 08:32 08:42 08:46 08:54 08:56 09:03 09:13
08:30 08:34 08:45 08:52 08:54 09:02 09:12 09:16 09:24 09:26 09:33 09:43
09:00 09:04 09:15 09:22 09:24 09:32 09:42 09:46 09:54 09:56 10:03 10:12
09:30 09:34 09:45 09:52 09:54 10:02 10:12 10:16 10:24 10:26 10:33 10:42
10:00 10:04 10:15 10:21 10:23 10:30 10:40 10:44 10:52 10:54 11:01 11:10
10:55 10:59 11:10 11:16 11:18 11:25 11:35 11:39 11:47 11:49 11:56 12:05
11:55 11:59 12:10 12:16 12:18 12:25 12:35 12:39 12:47 12:49 12:56 01:05
12:55 12:59 01:10 01:16 01:18 01:25 01:35 01:39 01:47 01:49 01:56 02:05
01:55 01:59 02:10 02:16 02:18 02:25 02:35 02:39 02:47 02:49 02:56 03:05
02:55 02:59 03:10 03:16 03:18 03:25 03:35 03:39 03:47 03:49 03:56 04:05

Bus Schedule DDOT 7 discover your next journey with DDOT! Our bus schedules are meticulously organized for your convenience. At the top of our schedule, we feature key stops, listed sequentially for easy navigation. To find out when the bus departs from each major stop, simply glance down the corresponding column. But that’s not all – our buses also serve numerous additional stops along the route. For a comprehensive list of all stops, including those between the major ones, be sure to visit our stops page. Travel smart and efficiently with DDOT’s well-structured bus schedules!

Day of week: Weekday
Direction: Eastbound

Meijer Old Redford
7 Mile & Heyden
7 Mile & Greenfield
7 Mile & James Couzens
7 Mile & Stoepel
7 Mile & Woodward
7 Mile & Ryan
7 Mile & Van Dyke
7 Mile & E Outer Dr
7 Mile & Gratiot
Harper & Morang
Moross & Mack
04:00 04:07 04:14 04:16 04:24 04:28 04:36 04:44 04:46 04:53 05:02 05:07
04:30 04:37 04:44 04:46 04:54 04:58 05:06 05:14 05:16 05:23 05:32 05:37
05:00 05:07 05:14 05:16 05:24 05:28 05:36 05:44 05:46 05:53 06:02 06:07
05:25 05:32 05:39 05:41 05:49 05:53 06:01 06:09 06:11 06:18 06:28 06:34
05:45 05:52 05:59 06:01 06:09 06:13 06:21 06:30 06:32 06:40 06:50 06:56
06:05 06:12 06:19 06:22 06:30 06:35 06:44 06:53 06:55 07:03 07:13 07:19
06:25 06:33 06:41 06:44 06:52 06:57 07:06 07:15 07:17 07:25 07:35 07:41
06:35 06:43 06:51 06:54 07:02 07:07 07:16 07:25 07:27 07:35 07:45 07:51
06:45 06:53 07:01 07:04 07:12 07:17 07:26 07:35 07:37 07:45 07:55 08:01
07:05 07:13 07:21 07:24 07:32 07:37 07:46 07:55 07:57 08:05 08:15 08:21
07:25 07:33 07:41 07:44 07:52 07:57 08:06 08:15 08:17 08:25 08:35 08:41
07:45 07:53 08:01 08:04 08:12 08:17 08:26 08:35 08:37 08:45 08:55 09:01
08:05 08:13 08:21 08:24 08:32 08:37 08:46 08:55 08:57 09:05 09:15 09:22
08:25 08:33 08:41 08:44 08:52 08:57 09:06 09:15 09:17 09:25 09:35 09:42
08:45 08:53 09:01 09:04 09:12 09:17 09:26 09:35 09:37 09:45 09:55 10:02
09:05 09:13 09:21 09:24 09:32 09:37 09:46 09:55 09:57 10:05 10:15 10:22
09:25 09:33 09:41 09:44 09:52 09:57 10:06 10:15 10:17 10:25 10:35 10:42
09:45 09:53 10:01 10:04 10:12 10:17 10:26 10:35 10:37 10:45 10:55 11:02
10:05 10:13 10:21 10:24 10:32 10:37 10:46 10:55 10:57 11:05 11:15 11:22
10:25 10:33 10:41 10:44 10:52 10:57 11:06 11:15 11:17 11:25 11:35 11:42
10:45 10:53 11:01 11:04 11:12 11:17 11:26 11:35 11:37 11:45 11:55 12:02
11:05 11:13 11:21 11:24 11:32 11:37 11:46 11:55 11:57 12:05 12:15 12:22
11:25 11:33 11:41 11:44 11:52 11:57 12:07 12:17 12:19 12:27 12:37 12:44
11:45 11:53 12:01 12:04 12:12 12:18 12:28 12:38 12:40 12:48 12:58 01:05
12:05 12:13 12:21 12:24 12:32 12:38 12:48 12:58 01:00 01:08 01:18 01:25
12:25 12:33 12:41 12:44 12:52 12:58 01:08 01:18 01:20 01:28 01:38 01:45
12:45 12:53 01:01 01:04 01:12 01:18 01:28 01:38 01:40 01:48 01:58 02:05
01:05 01:13 01:21 01:24 01:32 01:38 01:48 01:58 02:00 02:08 02:19 02:26
01:24 01:32 01:40 01:43 01:51 01:57 02:07 02:17 02:19 02:28 02:39 02:46
01:44 01:52 02:00 02:03 02:11 02:17 02:27 02:37 02:39 02:48 02:59 03:06
01:59 02:07 02:15 02:18 02:27 02:33 02:43 02:53 02:55 03:04 03:15 03:22
02:24 02:32 02:40 02:43 02:52 02:58 03:08 03:18 03:20 03:29 03:40 03:47
02:34 02:42 02:50 02:53 03:02 03:08 03:18 03:28 03:30 03:39 03:50 03:57
02:44 02:52 03:00 03:03 03:12 03:18 03:28 03:38 03:40 03:49 04:00 04:07
03:04 03:12 03:20 03:23 03:32 03:38 03:48 03:58 04:00 04:09 04:20 04:27
03:24 03:32 03:40 03:43 03:52 03:58 04:08 04:18 04:20 04:29 04:40 04:47
03:44 03:52 04:00 04:03 04:12 04:18 04:28 04:38 04:40 04:49 05:00 05:07
04:04 04:12 04:20 04:23 04:32 04:38 04:48 04:58 05:00 05:09 05:20 05:27
04:24 04:32 04:40 04:43 04:52 04:58 05:08 05:18 05:20 05:29 05:40 05:47
04:44 04:52 05:00 05:03 05:12 05:18 05:28 05:38 05:40 05:49 06:00 06:07
05:04 05:12 05:20 05:23 05:32 05:38 05:48 05:57 05:59 06:07 06:18 06:25
05:24 05:32 05:40 05:43 05:52 05:57 06:06 06:15 06:17 06:25 06:36 06:43
05:44 05:52 06:00 06:03 06:11 06:16 06:25 06:34 06:36 06:44 06:55 07:02
06:04 06:12 06:20 06:23 06:31 06:36 06:45 06:54 06:56 07:04 07:15 07:22
06:24 06:32 06:40 06:43 06:51 06:56 07:05 07:14 07:16 07:24 07:35 07:42
06:44 06:52 07:00 07:03 07:11 07:16 07:25 07:34 07:36 07:44 07:55 08:02
07:04 07:12 07:20 07:23 07:31 07:36 07:45 07:54 07:56 08:04 08:14 08:20
07:24 07:32 07:40 07:43 07:51 07:56 08:05 08:14 08:16 08:24 08:34 08:40
07:44 07:52 08:00 08:02 08:10 08:15 08:24 08:33 08:35 08:43 08:53 08:59
08:04 08:11 08:18 08:20 08:28 08:33 08:42 08:51 08:53 09:01 09:11 09:17
08:30 08:37 08:44 08:46 08:54 08:59 09:08 09:17 09:19 09:27 09:37 09:43
09:00 09:07 09:14 09:16 09:24 09:29 09:38 09:47 09:49 09:57 10:06 10:11
09:30 09:37 09:44 09:46 09:54 09:59 10:07 10:15 10:17 10:24 10:33 10:38
10:15 10:22 10:29 10:31 10:39 10:43 10:51 10:59 11:01 11:08 11:17 11:22
11:15 11:22 11:29 11:31 11:39 11:43 11:51 11:59 12:01 12:08 12:17 12:22
12:15 12:22 12:29 12:31 12:39 12:43 12:51 12:59 01:01 01:08 01:17 01:22
01:15 01:22 01:29 01:31 01:39 01:43 01:51 01:59 02:01 02:08 02:17 02:22
02:15 02:22 02:29 02:31 02:39 02:43 02:51 02:59 03:01 03:08 03:17 03:22
03:15 03:22 03:29 03:31 03:39 03:43 03:51 03:59 04:01 04:08 04:17 04:22

Bus Schedule DDOT 7 discover your next journey with DDOT! Our bus schedules are meticulously organized for your convenience. At the top of our schedule, we feature key stops, listed sequentially for easy navigation. To find out when the bus departs from each major stop, simply glance down the corresponding column. But that’s not all – our buses also serve numerous additional stops along the route. For a comprehensive list of all stops, including those between the major ones, be sure to visit our stops page. Travel smart and efficiently with DDOT’s well-structured bus schedules!

Day of week: Sunday
Direction: Westbound

Moross & Mack
Harper & Morang
7 Mile & Chalmers
7 Mile & E Outer Dr
7 Mile & Van Dyke
7 Mile & Ryan
7 Mile & Woodward
7 Mile & Livernois
7 Mile & James Couzens
7 Mile & Greenfield
7 Mile & Evergreen
Meijer Old Redford
04:00 04:04 04:14 04:21 04:23 04:28 04:37 04:41 04:49 04:51 04:59 05:07
05:00 05:04 05:14 05:21 05:23 05:28 05:37 05:41 05:49 05:51 05:59 06:07
06:00 06:04 06:14 06:21 06:23 06:28 06:37 06:41 06:49 06:51 06:59 07:07
07:00 07:04 07:14 07:21 07:23 07:28 07:37 07:41 07:49 07:51 07:59 08:07
08:00 08:04 08:14 08:21 08:23 08:28 08:38 08:42 08:50 08:52 09:00 09:09
08:30 08:34 08:44 08:52 08:54 08:59 09:09 09:13 09:21 09:23 09:31 09:40
09:00 09:04 09:14 09:22 09:24 09:29 09:39 09:43 09:51 09:53 10:01 10:10
09:30 09:34 09:44 09:52 09:54 09:59 10:09 10:13 10:21 10:23 10:31 10:40
10:00 10:04 10:14 10:22 10:24 10:29 10:39 10:43 10:51 10:53 11:01 11:10
10:30 10:34 10:44 10:52 10:54 10:59 11:09 11:13 11:22 11:24 11:33 11:42
11:00 11:05 11:16 11:25 11:27 11:33 11:43 11:47 11:56 11:58 12:07 12:16
11:30 11:35 11:46 11:55 11:57 12:03 12:13 12:17 12:26 12:28 12:37 12:46
12:00 12:05 12:16 12:25 12:27 12:33 12:43 12:47 12:56 12:58 01:07 01:16
12:30 12:35 12:46 12:55 12:57 01:03 01:13 01:17 01:26 01:28 01:37 01:46
01:00 01:05 01:16 01:25 01:27 01:33 01:43 01:47 01:56 01:58 02:07 02:16
01:30 01:35 01:46 01:55 01:57 02:03 02:13 02:17 02:26 02:28 02:37 02:46
02:00 02:05 02:16 02:25 02:27 02:33 02:43 02:47 02:56 02:58 03:07 03:16
02:30 02:35 02:46 02:55 02:57 03:03 03:13 03:17 03:26 03:28 03:37 03:46
03:00 03:05 03:16 03:25 03:27 03:33 03:43 03:47 03:56 03:58 04:07 04:16
03:30 03:35 03:46 03:55 03:57 04:03 04:13 04:17 04:26 04:28 04:37 04:46
04:00 04:05 04:16 04:25 04:27 04:33 04:43 04:47 04:56 04:58 05:07 05:16
04:30 04:35 04:46 04:55 04:57 05:03 05:13 05:17 05:26 05:28 05:37 05:46
05:00 05:05 05:16 05:25 05:27 05:33 05:43 05:47 05:56 05:58 06:06 06:14
05:30 05:35 05:46 05:55 05:57 06:03 06:12 06:16 06:24 06:26 06:34 06:42
06:00 06:04 06:14 06:22 06:24 06:29 06:38 06:42 06:50 06:52 07:00 07:08
06:30 06:34 06:44 06:52 06:54 06:59 07:08 07:12 07:20 07:22 07:30 07:38
07:00 07:04 07:14 07:22 07:24 07:29 07:38 07:42 07:50 07:52 08:00 08:08
07:35 07:39 07:49 07:57 07:59 08:04 08:13 08:17 08:25 08:27 08:35 08:43
08:15 08:19 08:29 08:37 08:39 08:44 08:53 08:57 09:05 09:07 09:15 09:23
08:55 08:59 09:09 09:17 09:19 09:24 09:33 09:37 09:45 09:47 09:55 10:03
09:35 09:39 09:49 09:57 09:59 10:04 10:13 10:17 10:25 10:27 10:35 10:43
10:15 10:19 10:29 10:37 10:39 10:44 10:53 10:57 11:05 11:07 11:15 11:23
10:55 10:59 11:09 11:17 11:19 11:24 11:33 11:37 11:45 11:47 11:55 12:03
11:55 11:59 12:09 12:17 12:19 12:24 12:33 12:37 12:45 12:47 12:55 01:03
12:55 12:59 01:09 01:17 01:19 01:24 01:33 01:37 01:45 01:47 01:55 02:03
01:55 01:59 02:09 02:17 02:19 02:24 02:33 02:37 02:45 02:47 02:55 03:03
02:55 02:59 03:09 03:17 03:19 03:24 03:33 03:37 03:45 03:47 03:55 04:03

Bus Schedule DDOT 7 discover your next journey with DDOT! Our bus schedules are meticulously organized for your convenience. At the top of our schedule, we feature key stops, listed sequentially for easy navigation. To find out when the bus departs from each major stop, simply glance down the corresponding column. But that’s not all – our buses also serve numerous additional stops along the route. For a comprehensive list of all stops, including those between the major ones, be sure to visit our stops page. Travel smart and efficiently with DDOT’s well-structured bus schedules!

Day of week: Sunday
Direction: Eastbound

Meijer Old Redford
7 Mile & Heyden
7 Mile & Greenfield
7 Mile & James Couzens
7 Mile & Stoepel
7 Mile & Woodward
7 Mile & Ryan
7 Mile & Van Dyke
7 Mile & E Outer Dr
7 Mile & Gratiot
Harper & Morang
Moross & Mack
04:30 04:36 04:43 04:45 04:54 04:58 05:07 05:15 05:17 05:24 05:33 05:39
05:30 05:36 05:43 05:45 05:54 05:58 06:07 06:15 06:17 06:24 06:33 06:39
06:30 06:36 06:43 06:45 06:54 06:58 07:07 07:15 07:17 07:24 07:33 07:39
07:30 07:36 07:43 07:45 07:54 07:58 08:07 08:15 08:17 08:24 08:33 08:40
08:00 08:06 08:13 08:15 08:24 08:28 08:37 08:46 08:48 08:55 09:05 09:12
08:30 08:36 08:43 08:45 08:55 08:59 09:08 09:17 09:19 09:26 09:36 09:43
09:00 09:06 09:13 09:15 09:25 09:29 09:38 09:47 09:49 09:56 10:06 10:13
09:30 09:36 09:43 09:45 09:55 09:59 10:08 10:17 10:19 10:26 10:36 10:43
10:00 10:06 10:13 10:15 10:25 10:29 10:38 10:47 10:49 10:56 11:06 11:13
10:30 10:36 10:43 10:45 10:55 10:59 11:09 11:18 11:20 11:28 11:38 11:45
11:00 11:06 11:14 11:16 11:26 11:30 11:40 11:49 11:51 11:59 12:09 12:16
11:30 11:36 11:44 11:46 11:56 12:00 12:10 12:19 12:21 12:29 12:39 12:46
12:00 12:06 12:14 12:16 12:26 12:30 12:40 12:49 12:51 12:59 01:09 01:16
12:30 12:36 12:44 12:46 12:56 01:00 01:10 01:19 01:21 01:29 01:39 01:46
01:00 01:06 01:14 01:16 01:26 01:30 01:40 01:49 01:51 01:59 02:09 02:16
01:30 01:36 01:44 01:46 01:56 02:00 02:10 02:19 02:21 02:29 02:39 02:46
02:00 02:06 02:14 02:16 02:26 02:30 02:40 02:49 02:51 02:59 03:09 03:16
02:30 02:36 02:44 02:46 02:56 03:00 03:10 03:19 03:21 03:29 03:39 03:46
03:00 03:06 03:14 03:16 03:26 03:30 03:40 03:49 03:51 03:59 04:09 04:16
03:30 03:36 03:44 03:46 03:56 04:00 04:10 04:19 04:21 04:29 04:39 04:46
04:00 04:06 04:14 04:16 04:26 04:30 04:40 04:49 04:51 04:59 05:09 05:16
04:30 04:36 04:44 04:46 04:56 05:00 05:10 05:19 05:21 05:29 05:39 05:46
05:00 05:06 05:14 05:16 05:26 05:30 05:40 05:49 05:51 05:59 06:08 06:14
05:30 05:36 05:44 05:46 05:56 06:00 06:09 06:17 06:19 06:26 06:35 06:41
06:00 06:06 06:13 06:15 06:24 06:28 06:37 06:45 06:47 06:54 07:03 07:09
06:30 06:36 06:43 06:45 06:54 06:58 07:07 07:15 07:17 07:24 07:33 07:39
07:00 07:06 07:13 07:15 07:24 07:28 07:37 07:45 07:47 07:54 08:03 08:09
07:35 07:41 07:48 07:50 07:59 08:03 08:12 08:20 08:22 08:29 08:38 08:44
08:15 08:21 08:28 08:30 08:39 08:43 08:52 09:00 09:02 09:09 09:18 09:24
08:55 09:01 09:08 09:10 09:19 09:23 09:32 09:40 09:42 09:49 09:58 10:04
09:35 09:41 09:48 09:50 09:59 10:03 10:12 10:20 10:22 10:29 10:38 10:44
10:15 10:21 10:28 10:30 10:39 10:43 10:52 11:00 11:02 11:09 11:18 11:24
11:10 11:16 11:23 11:25 11:34 11:38 11:47 11:55 11:57 12:04 12:13 12:19
12:10 12:16 12:23 12:25 12:34 12:38 12:47 12:55 12:57 01:04 01:13 01:19
01:10 01:16 01:23 01:25 01:34 01:38 01:47 01:55 01:57 02:04 02:13 02:19
02:10 02:16 02:23 02:25 02:34 02:38 02:47 02:55 02:57 03:04 03:13 03:19
03:10 03:16 03:23 03:25 03:34 03:38 03:47 03:55 03:57 04:04 04:13 04:19

Bus Schedule DDOT 7 discover your next journey with DDOT! Our bus schedules are meticulously organized for your convenience. At the top of our schedule, we feature key stops, listed sequentially for easy navigation. To find out when the bus departs from each major stop, simply glance down the corresponding column. But that’s not all – our buses also serve numerous additional stops along the route. For a comprehensive list of all stops, including those between the major ones, be sure to visit our stops page. Travel smart and efficiently with DDOT’s well-structured bus schedules!

Day of week: Saturday
Direction: Westbound

Moross & Mack
Harper & Morang
7 Mile & Chalmers
7 Mile & E Outer Dr
7 Mile & Van Dyke
7 Mile & Ryan
7 Mile & Woodward
7 Mile & Livernois
7 Mile & James Couzens
7 Mile & Greenfield
7 Mile & Evergreen
Meijer Old Redford
03:55 03:59 04:09 04:16 04:18 04:23 04:32 04:36 04:45 04:47 04:54 05:03
04:55 04:59 05:09 05:16 05:18 05:23 05:32 05:36 05:45 05:47 05:54 06:03
05:55 05:59 06:09 06:16 06:18 06:23 06:32 06:36 06:45 06:47 06:54 07:03
06:50 06:54 07:04 07:11 07:13 07:18 07:27 07:31 07:40 07:42 07:49 07:58
07:20 07:24 07:34 07:41 07:43 07:48 07:57 08:01 08:10 08:12 08:20 08:29
07:50 07:54 08:04 08:12 08:14 08:20 08:30 08:34 08:43 08:45 08:53 09:02
08:20 08:24 08:35 08:43 08:45 08:51 09:01 09:05 09:14 09:16 09:24 09:33
08:50 08:54 09:05 09:13 09:15 09:21 09:31 09:35 09:44 09:46 09:54 10:03
09:20 09:24 09:35 09:43 09:45 09:51 10:01 10:06 10:16 10:18 10:27 10:36
09:50 09:54 10:05 10:14 10:16 10:23 10:34 10:39 10:49 10:51 11:00 11:09
10:20 10:25 10:37 10:46 10:48 10:55 11:06 11:11 11:21 11:23 11:32 11:41
10:50 10:55 11:07 11:16 11:18 11:25 11:36 11:41 11:51 11:53 12:02 12:11
11:20 11:25 11:37 11:46 11:48 11:55 12:06 12:11 12:21 12:23 12:32 12:41
11:50 11:55 12:07 12:16 12:18 12:25 12:36 12:41 12:51 12:53 01:02 01:11
12:20 12:25 12:37 12:46 12:48 12:55 01:06 01:11 01:21 01:23 01:32 01:41
12:50 12:55 01:07 01:16 01:18 01:25 01:36 01:41 01:51 01:53 02:02 02:11
01:20 01:25 01:37 01:46 01:48 01:55 02:06 02:11 02:21 02:23 02:32 02:41
01:50 01:55 02:07 02:16 02:18 02:25 02:36 02:41 02:51 02:53 03:02 03:11
02:20 02:25 02:37 02:46 02:48 02:55 03:06 03:11 03:21 03:23 03:32 03:41
02:50 02:55 03:07 03:16 03:18 03:25 03:36 03:41 03:51 03:53 04:02 04:11
03:20 03:25 03:37 03:46 03:48 03:55 04:06 04:11 04:21 04:23 04:32 04:41
03:50 03:55 04:07 04:16 04:18 04:25 04:36 04:41 04:51 04:53 05:02 05:11
04:20 04:25 04:37 04:46 04:48 04:55 05:06 05:11 05:21 05:23 05:32 05:41
04:50 04:55 05:07 05:16 05:18 05:25 05:36 05:41 05:51 05:53 06:02 06:11
05:20 05:25 05:37 05:46 05:48 05:55 06:06 06:11 06:21 06:23 06:32 06:41
05:50 05:55 06:07 06:16 06:18 06:25 06:35 06:39 06:48 06:50 06:58 07:07
06:20 06:25 06:36 06:44 06:46 06:52 07:02 07:06 07:15 07:17 07:25 07:34
06:50 06:54 07:05 07:13 07:15 07:21 07:31 07:35 07:44 07:46 07:54 08:03
07:20 07:24 07:35 07:43 07:45 07:51 08:01 08:05 08:14 08:16 08:24 08:33
07:50 07:54 08:05 08:13 08:15 08:21 08:31 08:35 08:44 08:46 08:54 09:03
08:20 08:24 08:35 08:43 08:45 08:51 09:01 09:05 09:14 09:16 09:24 09:33
08:50 08:54 09:05 09:13 09:15 09:21 09:31 09:35 09:43 09:45 09:52 10:01
09:20 09:24 09:35 09:42 09:44 09:50 09:59 10:03 10:11 10:13 10:20 10:29
10:10 10:14 10:24 10:31 10:33 10:39 10:48 10:52 11:00 11:02 11:09 11:18
11:05 11:09 11:19 11:26 11:28 11:34 11:43 11:47 11:55 11:57 12:04 12:13
12:00 12:04 12:14 12:21 12:23 12:29 12:38 12:42 12:50 12:52 12:59 01:08
01:00 01:04 01:14 01:21 01:23 01:29 01:38 01:42 01:50 01:52 01:59 02:08
02:00 02:04 02:14 02:21 02:23 02:29 02:38 02:42 02:50 02:52 02:59 03:08
03:00 03:04 03:14 03:21 03:23 03:29 03:38 03:42 03:50 03:52 03:59 04:08

Bus Schedule DDOT 7 discover your next journey with DDOT! Our bus schedules are meticulously organized for your convenience. At the top of our schedule, we feature key stops, listed sequentially for easy navigation. To find out when the bus departs from each major stop, simply glance down the corresponding column. But that’s not all – our buses also serve numerous additional stops along the route. For a comprehensive list of all stops, including those between the major ones, be sure to visit our stops page. Travel smart and efficiently with DDOT’s well-structured bus schedules!

Day of week: Saturday
Direction: Eastbound

Meijer Old Redford
7 Mile & Heyden
7 Mile & Greenfield
7 Mile & James Couzens
7 Mile & Stoepel
7 Mile & Woodward
7 Mile & Ryan
7 Mile & Van Dyke
7 Mile & E Outer Dr
7 Mile & Gratiot
Harper & Morang
Moross & Mack
04:15 04:21 04:28 04:30 04:39 04:43 04:52 05:00 05:02 05:09 05:18 05:24
05:15 05:21 05:28 05:30 05:39 05:43 05:52 06:00 06:02 06:09 06:18 06:24
06:15 06:21 06:28 06:30 06:39 06:43 06:52 07:00 07:02 07:09 07:18 07:24
07:15 07:21 07:28 07:30 07:39 07:43 07:52 08:00 08:02 08:10 08:20 08:27
07:50 07:56 08:03 08:05 08:15 08:19 08:29 08:37 08:39 08:47 08:57 09:04
08:20 08:27 08:34 08:36 08:46 08:50 09:00 09:08 09:10 09:18 09:28 09:35
08:50 08:57 09:04 09:06 09:16 09:20 09:30 09:38 09:40 09:48 09:58 10:05
09:20 09:27 09:34 09:36 09:46 09:50 10:00 10:09 10:11 10:20 10:31 10:38
09:50 09:57 10:05 10:07 10:17 10:22 10:33 10:42 10:44 10:53 11:04 11:11
10:20 10:27 10:35 10:37 10:47 10:52 11:03 11:12 11:14 11:23 11:34 11:41
10:50 10:57 11:05 11:07 11:17 11:22 11:33 11:42 11:44 11:53 12:04 12:11
11:20 11:27 11:35 11:37 11:47 11:52 12:03 12:12 12:14 12:23 12:34 12:41
11:50 11:57 12:05 12:07 12:17 12:22 12:33 12:42 12:44 12:53 01:04 01:11
12:20 12:27 12:35 12:37 12:47 12:52 01:03 01:12 01:14 01:23 01:34 01:41
12:50 12:57 01:05 01:07 01:17 01:22 01:33 01:42 01:44 01:53 02:04 02:11
01:20 01:27 01:35 01:37 01:47 01:52 02:03 02:12 02:14 02:23 02:34 02:41
01:50 01:57 02:05 02:07 02:17 02:22 02:33 02:42 02:44 02:53 03:04 03:11
02:20 02:27 02:35 02:37 02:47 02:52 03:03 03:12 03:14 03:23 03:34 03:41
02:50 02:57 03:05 03:07 03:17 03:22 03:33 03:42 03:44 03:53 04:04 04:11
03:20 03:27 03:35 03:37 03:47 03:52 04:03 04:12 04:14 04:23 04:34 04:41
03:50 03:57 04:05 04:07 04:17 04:22 04:33 04:42 04:44 04:53 05:04 05:11
04:20 04:27 04:35 04:37 04:47 04:52 05:03 05:12 05:14 05:23 05:34 05:41
04:50 04:57 05:05 05:07 05:17 05:22 05:33 05:42 05:44 05:53 06:04 06:11
05:20 05:27 05:35 05:37 05:47 05:52 06:03 06:12 06:14 06:23 06:34 06:41
05:50 05:57 06:05 06:07 06:17 06:22 06:33 06:41 06:43 06:51 07:01 07:08
06:20 06:27 06:34 06:36 06:46 06:50 07:00 07:08 07:10 07:18 07:28 07:35
06:50 06:57 07:04 07:06 07:16 07:20 07:30 07:38 07:40 07:48 07:58 08:05
07:20 07:27 07:34 07:36 07:46 07:50 08:00 08:08 08:10 08:18 08:28 08:35
07:50 07:57 08:04 08:06 08:16 08:20 08:30 08:38 08:40 08:48 08:58 09:05
08:20 08:27 08:34 08:36 08:46 08:50 09:00 09:08 09:10 09:18 09:28 09:34
08:50 08:57 09:04 09:06 09:16 09:20 09:30 09:38 09:40 09:47 09:56 10:02
09:20 09:27 09:34 09:36 09:45 09:49 09:58 10:06 10:08 10:15 10:24 10:30
09:50 09:56 10:03 10:05 10:14 10:18 10:27 10:35 10:37 10:44 10:53 10:59
10:35 10:41 10:48 10:50 10:59 11:03 11:12 11:20 11:22 11:29 11:38 11:44
11:30 11:36 11:43 11:45 11:54 11:58 12:07 12:15 12:17 12:24 12:33 12:39
12:30 12:36 12:43 12:45 12:54 12:58 01:07 01:15 01:17 01:24 01:33 01:39
01:30 01:36 01:43 01:45 01:54 01:58 02:07 02:15 02:17 02:24 02:33 02:39
02:30 02:36 02:43 02:45 02:54 02:58 03:07 03:15 03:17 03:24 03:33 03:39
03:30 03:36 03:43 03:45 03:54 03:58 04:07 04:15 04:17 04:24 04:33 04:39

Route Bus DDOT 7 Direction Westbound

Moross & Mack#70001
Moross & Linville#3895
Moross & Rolandale#3888
Chester & Moross#3893
Chester & Canyon#3878
Chester & Farmbrook#60017
Chester & Marseilles#3874
Chester & Hereford#3869
Harper & Morang#8963
Harper & Cadieux#3858
Cadieux & Lanark#4759
Cadieux & Marne#4760
Morang & Worden#1992
Morang & Balfour#4757
Morang & Nottingham#4752
Morang & Roxbury#4751
Morang & Rossiter#4749
Morang & Lansdowne#4754
Morang & Laing#4745
Morang & Riad#4743
Morang & Kelly#4738
Morang & Glenwood#4742
Morang & Faircrest#4740
Morang & Eastwood#4737
7 Mile & Brock#4763
7 Mile & Hayes#4734
7 Mile & Queen#5296
7 Mile & Monarch#4732
7 Mile & Chalmers#4728
7 Mile & Gratiot#76
7 Mile & Hoyt#4726
7 Mile & Reno#4723
7 Mile & Schoenherr#4721
7 Mile & Hickory#4718
7 Mile & Joann#4716
7 Mile & Westphalia#4714
7 Mile & Waltham#4712
7 Mile & Strasburg#8990
7 Mile & Dresden#4708
7 Mile & Annott#9637
7 Mile & Hoover#2025
7 Mile & Teppert#4701
7 Mile & Algonac#4699
7 Mile & Gruebner#4698
7 Mile & E Outer Dr#532
7 Mile & Antwerp#4692
7 Mile & Terrell#4690
7 Mile & Van Dyke#533
7 Mile & Spencer#4684
7 Mile & Rogge#4682
7 Mile & Helen#4680
7 Mile & Sherwood#4678
7 Mile & Filer#4677
7 Mile & Mt Elliott#9039
7 Mile & Dwyer#4671
7 Mile & Mound#4669
7 Mile & Syracuse#4667
7 Mile & Buffalo#4665
7 Mile & Moenart#4663
7 Mile & Conley#4661
7 Mile & Lamont#4659
7 Mile & Hasse#7667
7 Mile & Justine#4656
7 Mile & Sunset#4654
7 Mile & Ryan#699
7 Mile & Wexford#4648
7 Mile & Norwood#4647
7 Mile & Klinger#4645
7 Mile & Charest#4643
7 Mile & Conant#4791
7 Mile & Mackay#4641
7 Mile & Fleming#4639
7 Mile & Dequindre#7794
7 Mile & Orleans#4637
7 Mile & Greeley#4635
7 Mile & Hanna#4633
7 Mile & Hawthorne#4629
7 Mile & I-75 Service Dr#4627
7 Mile & Andover#4625
7 Mile & Keating#4623
7 Mile & John R#4620
7 Mile & Exeter#4617
7 Mile & Charleston#4615
7 Mile & Havana#4613
7 Mile & Bauman#4611
7 Mile & Woodward#9638
7 Mile & Woodward#4610
7 Mile & Burlington#4599
7 Mile & Lincolnshire#4631
7 Mile & Gloucester#4596
7 Mile & Pontchartrain#700
7 Mile & Strathcona#60005
7 Mile & Canterbury#4593
7 Mile & Kingston#8389
7 Mile & Berkeley#4585
7 Mile & Livernois#405
7 Mile & Monica#4578
7 Mile & San Juan#60004
7 Mile & Santa Barbara#4575
7 Mile & Greenlawn#4573
7 Mile & Northlawn#4570
7 Mile & Ohio#4568
7 Mile & Indiana#4566
7 Mile & Wyoming#4112
7 Mile & Ilene#4565
7 Mile & Birwood#4562
7 Mile & Pinehurst#4560
7 Mile & Appoline#4558
7 Mile & W Outer Dr#4554
7 Mile & Snowden#4552
7 Mile & Schaefer#406
7 Mile & Lesure#8409
7 Mile & Ardmore#8410
7 Mile & James Couzens#703
7 Mile & Hubbell#4529
7 Mile & Lauder#4523
7 Mile & Coyle#4521
7 Mile & Whitcomb#4519
7 Mile & Greenfield#6073
7 Mile & Montrose#4518
7 Mile & Prevost#4516
7 Mile & Mansfield#4514
7 Mile & Murray Hill#4512
7 Mile & Ferguson#4510
7 Mile & Gilchrist#4508
7 Mile & Oakfield#4505
7 Mile & Archdale#4503
7 Mile & Southfield#704
7 Mile & Rosemont#4498
7 Mile & Faust#4495
7 Mile & Avon#4492
7 Mile & Sunderland#4490
7 Mile & Shaftsbury#3254
7 Mile & Huntington#4487
7 Mile & Annchester#4485
7 Mile & Evergreen#705
7 Mile & Heyden#4481
7 Mile & Fielding#4478
7 Mile & Braile#8991
7 Mile & Burt#4473
7 Mile & Blackstone#4471
7 Mile & Bentler#4469
7 Mile & Burgess#4467
Lahser & 7 Mile#4465
Lahser & Clarita#4462
Lahser & Pickford#4455
Lahser & Curtis#4452
Lahser & Willmarth#4448
Grand River & Lahser#4443
Grand River & McNichols#60103
Meijer Old Redford#10157

Route Bus DDOT 7 Direction Eastbound

Meijer Old Redford#10157
Grand River & McNichols#356
Grand River & Burgess#5688
Redford & Grand River#688
Lahser & Santa Clara#4449
Lahser & Thatcher#4497
Lahser & Curtis#4454
Lahser & Pickford#4456
Lahser & Clarita#4461
7 Mile & Lahser#4464
7 Mile & Chapel#4468
7 Mile & Westbrook#4470
7 Mile & Trinity#4472
7 Mile & Pierson#4475
7 Mile & Patton#4477
7 Mile & Stout#4479
7 Mile & Heyden#4482
7 Mile & Evergreen#689
7 Mile & Westmoreland#4484
7 Mile & Edinborough#4486
7 Mile & Grandville#4488
7 Mile & Sunderland#8276
7 Mile & Avon#4493
7 Mile & Greenview#4494
7 Mile & Glastonbury#4496
7 Mile & Fenmore#4502
7 Mile & Harlow#4504
7 Mile & Lindsay#4507
7 Mile & Biltmore#4509
7 Mile & Asbury Park#4511
7 Mile & St Marys#4513
7 Mile & Rutherford#4515
7 Mile & Forrer#4517
7 Mile & Greenfield#6074
7 Mile & Sussex#4520
7 Mile & Robson#4522
7 Mile & Marlowe#4528
7 Mile & James Couzens#691
7 Mile & Stansbury#4545
7 Mile & Tracey#4547
7 Mile & Schaefer#692
7 Mile & Snowden#4553
7 Mile & W Outer Dr#4555
7 Mile & Steel#4557
7 Mile & Meyers#4559
7 Mile & Monte Vista#9634
7 Mile & Mendota#4561
7 Mile & Griggs#4564
7 Mile & Wyoming#4113
7 Mile & Wisconsin#4567
7 Mile & Cherrylawn#4569
7 Mile & Roselawn#4572
7 Mile & Woodingham#4574
7 Mile & Pennington#4576
7 Mile & Monica#4579
7 Mile & Stoepel#4580
7 Mile & Livernois#384
7 Mile & Oak#4586
7 Mile & Birchcrest#4587
7 Mile & Muirland#4590
7 Mile & Parkside#4591
7 Mile & Strathcona#4592
7 Mile & Pontchartrain#694
7 Mile & Burlington#4597
7 Mile & Woodward#4609
7 Mile & Woodward#9635
7 Mile & Hershey#8977
7 Mile & Carman#4614
7 Mile & Charleston#4616
7 Mile & Exeter#4618
7 Mile & John R#4621
7 Mile & Keating#4624
7 Mile & Omira#8980
7 Mile & I-75 Service Dr#4628
7 Mile & Hawthorne#4630
7 Mile & Russell#4632
7 Mile & Greeley#4634
7 Mile & Orleans#4636
7 Mile & Dequindre#7796
7 Mile & Lumpkin#4638
7 Mile & Goddard#4640
7 Mile & Maine#4642
7 Mile & Conant#4794
7 Mile & Charest#4644
7 Mile & Klinger#4646
7 Mile & Wexford#4649
7 Mile & Ryan#695
7 Mile & Shields#4655
7 Mile & Eureka#4657
7 Mile & Healy#4658
7 Mile & Fenelon#4660
7 Mile & Keystone#4662
7 Mile & Bloom#4664
7 Mile & Caldwell#4666
7 Mile & Albany#4668
7 Mile & Gable#4670
7 Mile & St Louis#4672
7 Mile & Mt Elliott#4673
7 Mile & Concord#4679
7 Mile & Carrie#4681
7 Mile & Packard#4683
7 Mile & Van Dyke#4689
7 Mile & Veach#4691
7 Mile & Antwerp#4693
7 Mile & E Outer Dr#521
7 Mile & Gruebner#4697
7 Mile & Beland#4700
7 Mile & Runyon#4702
7 Mile & Hoover#2027
7 Mile & Annott#4703
7 Mile & Strasburg#4709
7 Mile & Barlow#4711
7 Mile & Goulburn#4713
7 Mile & Fairport#4715
7 Mile & Alcoy#4717
7 Mile & Pelkey#4474
7 Mile & Schoenherr#4722
7 Mile & Reno#4724
7 Mile & Gratiot#9633
7 Mile & Gratiot#79
7 Mile & Chalmers#9632
7 Mile & Celestine#4729
7 Mile & MacCrary#4733
7 Mile & Queen#4735
7 Mile & Hayes#1910
Morang & 7 Mile#8984
Morang & Saratoga#4736
Morang & Linnhurst#4741
Morang & Kelly#4739
Morang & Duchess#4744
Morang & Whitehill#4746
Morang & Wayburn#4748
Morang & Lakepointe#4750
Morang & Beaconsfield#4753
Morang & Somerset#4756
Morang & McKinney#4758
Morang & Cadieux#4755
Morang & Marne#4761
Morang & Lanark#4762
Harper & Morang#42
Harper & Hereford#3358
Harper & Marseilles#9636
Moross & I-94 Service Dr#9134
Moross & Edgefield#6484
Moross & Chester#3890
Moross & Mallina#3881
Moross & Rolandale#3886
Moross & Linville#3896
Moross & Chandler Park Dr#6552
Moross & Mack#70001