DDOT BUS SCHEDULE 6 GRATIOT. Bus Schedule DDOT 6 discover your next journey with DDOT! Our bus schedules are meticulously organized for your convenience. At the top of our schedule, we feature key stops, listed sequentially for easy navigation. To find out when the bus departs from each major stop, simply glance down the corresponding column. But that’s not all – our buses also serve numerous additional stops along the route. For a comprehensive list of all stops, including those between the major ones, be sure to visit our stops page. Travel smart and efficiently with DDOT’s well-structured bus schedules!


Day of week: Weekday
Direction: Southbound

Gratiot & 8 Mile
Gratiot & 7 Mile
Gratiot & Conner
Gratiot & Harper
Gratiot & E Grand Bl
Gratiot & Russell
Third & Michigan
04:14 04:17 04:25 04:27 04:32 04:39 04:50
05:14 05:17 05:25 05:27 05:32 05:39 05:50
05:44 05:47 05:55 05:57 06:02 06:10 06:23
06:14 06:18 06:27 06:30 06:36 06:44 06:57
06:29 06:33 06:42 06:45 06:51 06:59 07:12
06:44 06:48 06:57 07:00 07:06 07:14 07:27
06:59 07:03 07:12 07:15 07:21 07:29 07:42
07:14 07:18 07:27 07:30 07:36 07:44 07:57
07:29 07:33 07:42 07:45 07:51 07:59 08:12
07:44 07:48 07:57 08:00 08:06 08:14 08:27
07:59 08:03 08:12 08:15 08:21 08:29 08:42
08:14 08:18 08:27 08:30 08:36 08:44 08:57
08:29 08:33 08:42 08:45 08:51 08:59 09:12
08:44 08:48 08:57 09:00 09:06 09:14 09:27
08:59 09:03 09:13 09:16 09:22 09:30 09:43
09:14 09:18 09:28 09:31 09:37 09:45 09:58
09:29 09:33 09:43 09:46 09:52 10:00 10:13
09:44 09:48 09:58 10:01 10:07 10:15 10:28
09:59 10:03 10:13 10:16 10:22 10:30 10:43
10:14 10:18 10:28 10:31 10:37 10:45 10:58
10:29 10:33 10:43 10:46 10:52 11:00 11:13
10:44 10:48 10:58 11:01 11:07 11:15 11:28
10:59 11:03 11:13 11:16 11:22 11:30 11:43
11:14 11:18 11:28 11:31 11:37 11:45 11:58
11:29 11:33 11:43 11:46 11:52 12:00 12:13
11:44 11:48 11:58 12:01 12:07 12:15 12:28
11:59 12:03 12:13 12:16 12:22 12:30 12:43
12:14 12:18 12:28 12:31 12:37 12:45 12:58
12:29 12:33 12:43 12:46 12:52 01:00 01:13
12:44 12:48 12:58 01:01 01:07 01:15 01:28
12:59 01:03 01:13 01:16 01:22 01:30 01:43
01:14 01:18 01:28 01:31 01:37 01:45 01:58
01:29 01:33 01:43 01:46 01:52 02:00 02:13
01:44 01:48 01:58 02:01 02:07 02:15 02:28
01:59 02:03 02:13 02:16 02:22 02:30 02:44
02:14 02:18 02:28 02:31 02:37 02:45 02:59
02:29 02:33 02:44 02:47 02:53 03:01 03:15
02:45 02:49 03:00 03:03 03:09 03:17 03:31
03:00 03:04 03:15 03:18 03:24 03:32 03:46
03:15 03:19 03:30 03:33 03:39 03:47 04:01
03:30 03:34 03:45 03:48 03:54 04:02 04:16
03:45 03:49 04:00 04:03 04:09 04:17 04:31
04:00 04:04 04:15 04:18 04:24 04:32 04:46
04:15 04:19 04:30 04:33 04:39 04:47 05:01
04:30 04:34 04:45 04:48 04:54 05:02 05:16
04:45 04:49 05:00 05:03 05:09 05:17 05:31
05:00 05:04 05:15 05:18 05:24 05:32 05:46
05:15 05:19 05:30 05:33 05:39 05:47 06:00
05:30 05:34 05:45 05:48 05:53 06:01 06:14
05:45 05:49 05:59 06:02 06:07 06:15 06:28
06:00 06:04 06:14 06:17 06:22 06:30 06:43
06:15 06:19 06:29 06:32 06:37 06:45 06:58
06:35 06:39 06:49 06:52 06:57 07:05 07:18
06:55 06:59 07:09 07:12 07:17 07:25 07:38
07:15 07:19 07:29 07:32 07:37 07:45 07:58
07:35 07:39 07:49 07:52 07:57 08:05 08:18
07:55 07:59 08:09 08:12 08:17 08:25 08:37
08:16 08:20 08:30 08:33 08:37 08:45 08:57
08:46 08:50 08:59 09:02 09:06 09:14 09:26
09:16 09:20 09:29 09:32 09:36 09:44 09:56
09:46 09:50 09:59 10:02 10:06 10:14 10:26
10:17 10:21 10:30 10:33 10:37 10:45 10:57
11:17 11:20 11:28 11:30 11:34 11:41 11:52
12:17 12:20 12:28 12:30 12:34 12:41 12:52
01:17 01:20 01:28 01:30 01:34 01:41 01:52
02:17 02:20 02:28 02:30 02:34 02:41 02:52
03:17 03:20 03:28 03:30 03:34 03:41 03:52

Bus Schedule DDOT 6 discover your next journey with DDOT! Our bus schedules are meticulously organized for your convenience. At the top of our schedule, we feature key stops, listed sequentially for easy navigation. To find out when the bus departs from each major stop, simply glance down the corresponding column. But that’s not all – our buses also serve numerous additional stops along the route. For a comprehensive list of all stops, including those between the major ones, be sure to visit our stops page. Travel smart and efficiently with DDOT’s well-structured bus schedules!

Day of week: Weekday
Direction: Northbound

Third & Michigan
Gratiot & Russell
Gratiot & Warren
Gratiot & Harper
Gratiot & Conner
Gratiot & 7 Mile
8 Mile & Hayes
04:03 04:13 04:20 04:23 04:25 04:35 04:38
05:03 05:13 05:20 05:23 05:25 05:35 05:38
05:33 05:43 05:50 05:53 05:55 06:05 06:09
06:03 06:15 06:22 06:26 06:29 06:39 06:43
06:18 06:30 06:37 06:41 06:44 06:54 06:58
06:33 06:45 06:52 06:56 06:59 07:09 07:13
06:48 07:00 07:07 07:11 07:14 07:24 07:28
07:03 07:15 07:22 07:26 07:29 07:39 07:43
07:18 07:30 07:37 07:41 07:44 07:54 07:58
07:33 07:45 07:52 07:56 07:59 08:09 08:13
07:48 08:00 08:07 08:11 08:14 08:24 08:28
08:03 08:15 08:22 08:26 08:29 08:39 08:43
08:18 08:30 08:37 08:41 08:45 08:56 09:00
08:33 08:45 08:52 08:56 09:00 09:11 09:15
08:48 09:01 09:08 09:12 09:16 09:27 09:31
09:03 09:16 09:23 09:27 09:31 09:42 09:46
09:18 09:31 09:38 09:42 09:46 09:57 10:01
09:33 09:46 09:53 09:57 10:01 10:12 10:16
09:48 10:01 10:08 10:12 10:16 10:27 10:31
10:03 10:16 10:23 10:27 10:31 10:42 10:46
10:18 10:31 10:38 10:42 10:46 10:57 11:01
10:33 10:46 10:53 10:57 11:01 11:12 11:16
10:48 11:01 11:08 11:12 11:16 11:27 11:31
11:03 11:16 11:23 11:27 11:31 11:42 11:46
11:18 11:31 11:38 11:42 11:46 11:57 12:01
11:33 11:46 11:53 11:57 12:01 12:12 12:16
11:48 12:01 12:08 12:12 12:16 12:27 12:31
12:03 12:16 12:23 12:27 12:31 12:42 12:46
12:18 12:31 12:38 12:42 12:46 12:57 01:01
12:33 12:46 12:53 12:57 01:01 01:12 01:16
12:48 01:01 01:08 01:12 01:16 01:27 01:31
01:03 01:16 01:23 01:27 01:31 01:42 01:46
01:18 01:31 01:38 01:42 01:46 01:57 02:01
01:33 01:46 01:53 01:57 02:01 02:12 02:16
01:48 02:01 02:10 02:14 02:18 02:29 02:33
02:03 02:17 02:26 02:30 02:34 02:45 02:49
02:18 02:32 02:41 02:45 02:49 03:00 03:04
02:33 02:47 02:56 03:00 03:04 03:15 03:19
02:48 03:02 03:11 03:15 03:19 03:30 03:34
03:03 03:17 03:26 03:30 03:34 03:45 03:49
03:18 03:32 03:41 03:45 03:49 04:00 04:04
03:33 03:47 03:56 04:00 04:04 04:15 04:19
03:48 04:02 04:11 04:15 04:19 04:30 04:34
04:03 04:17 04:26 04:30 04:34 04:45 04:49
04:18 04:32 04:41 04:45 04:49 05:00 05:04
04:33 04:47 04:56 05:00 05:04 05:15 05:19
04:48 05:02 05:11 05:15 05:19 05:30 05:34
05:03 05:17 05:26 05:30 05:34 05:45 05:49
05:18 05:32 05:41 05:45 05:49 06:00 06:04
05:33 05:47 05:56 06:00 06:03 06:13 06:17
05:48 06:02 06:10 06:14 06:17 06:27 06:31
06:03 06:15 06:23 06:27 06:30 06:40 06:44
06:23 06:35 06:43 06:47 06:50 07:00 07:04
06:43 06:55 07:03 07:07 07:10 07:20 07:24
07:03 07:15 07:23 07:27 07:30 07:40 07:44
07:23 07:35 07:43 07:47 07:50 08:00 08:04
07:43 07:55 08:03 08:07 08:10 08:20 08:24
08:03 08:15 08:23 08:27 08:30 08:40 08:44
08:29 08:41 08:48 08:52 08:54 09:04 09:08
08:59 09:11 09:18 09:22 09:24 09:34 09:38
09:29 09:41 09:48 09:52 09:54 10:04 10:08
10:03 10:15 10:22 10:26 10:28 10:38 10:42
11:03 11:13 11:20 11:23 11:25 11:35 11:38
12:03 12:13 12:20 12:23 12:25 12:35 12:38
01:03 01:13 01:20 01:23 01:25 01:35 01:38
02:03 02:13 02:20 02:23 02:25 02:35 02:38
03:03 03:13 03:20 03:23 03:25 03:35 03:38

Bus Schedule DDOT 6 discover your next journey with DDOT! Our bus schedules are meticulously organized for your convenience. At the top of our schedule, we feature key stops, listed sequentially for easy navigation. To find out when the bus departs from each major stop, simply glance down the corresponding column. But that’s not all – our buses also serve numerous additional stops along the route. For a comprehensive list of all stops, including those between the major ones, be sure to visit our stops page. Travel smart and efficiently with DDOT’s well-structured bus schedules!

Day of week: Sunday
Direction: Southbound

Gratiot & 8 Mile
Gratiot & 7 Mile
Gratiot & Conner
Gratiot & Harper
Gratiot & E Grand Bl
Gratiot & Russell
Third & Michigan
04:14 04:18 04:26 04:28 04:33 04:39 04:50
05:14 05:18 05:26 05:28 05:33 05:39 05:50
06:14 06:18 06:26 06:28 06:33 06:39 06:50
06:44 06:48 06:56 06:58 07:03 07:09 07:20
07:14 07:18 07:26 07:28 07:33 07:39 07:50
07:44 07:48 07:56 07:58 08:03 08:09 08:20
08:14 08:18 08:26 08:28 08:33 08:39 08:50
08:44 08:48 08:56 08:58 09:03 09:09 09:20
09:14 09:18 09:26 09:28 09:33 09:39 09:50
09:44 09:48 09:56 09:58 10:03 10:09 10:20
10:14 10:18 10:26 10:28 10:33 10:39 10:50
10:44 10:48 10:56 10:58 11:04 11:11 11:24
11:14 11:19 11:28 11:31 11:37 11:44 11:57
11:44 11:49 11:58 12:01 12:07 12:14 12:27
12:14 12:19 12:28 12:31 12:37 12:44 12:57
12:44 12:49 12:58 01:01 01:07 01:14 01:27
01:14 01:19 01:28 01:31 01:37 01:44 01:57
01:44 01:49 01:58 02:01 02:07 02:14 02:27
02:14 02:19 02:28 02:31 02:37 02:44 02:57
02:44 02:49 02:58 03:01 03:07 03:14 03:27
03:14 03:19 03:28 03:31 03:37 03:44 03:57
03:44 03:49 03:58 04:01 04:07 04:14 04:27
04:14 04:19 04:28 04:31 04:37 04:44 04:57
04:44 04:49 04:58 05:01 05:07 05:14 05:27
05:14 05:19 05:28 05:31 05:37 05:44 05:57
05:44 05:49 05:58 06:02 06:08 06:15 06:27
06:15 06:20 06:28 06:32 06:38 06:46 06:57
06:45 06:50 06:58 07:02 07:08 07:16 07:27
07:15 07:20 07:28 07:32 07:38 07:46 07:57
07:45 07:50 07:58 08:02 08:08 08:16 08:27
08:15 08:20 08:28 08:32 08:38 08:46 08:57
08:45 08:50 08:58 09:02 09:08 09:16 09:27
09:15 09:20 09:28 09:32 09:38 09:46 09:57
09:45 09:50 09:58 10:01 10:06 10:11 10:22
10:24 10:28 10:36 10:38 10:43 10:48 10:59
11:14 11:18 11:26 11:28 11:33 11:38 11:49
12:14 12:18 12:26 12:28 12:33 12:38 12:49
01:14 01:18 01:26 01:28 01:33 01:38 01:49
02:14 02:18 02:26 02:28 02:33 02:38 02:49
03:14 03:18 03:26 03:28 03:33 03:38 03:49

Bus Schedule DDOT 6 discover your next journey with DDOT! Our bus schedules are meticulously organized for your convenience. At the top of our schedule, we feature key stops, listed sequentially for easy navigation. To find out when the bus departs from each major stop, simply glance down the corresponding column. But that’s not all – our buses also serve numerous additional stops along the route. For a comprehensive list of all stops, including those between the major ones, be sure to visit our stops page. Travel smart and efficiently with DDOT’s well-structured bus schedules!

Day of week: Sunday
Direction: Northbound

Third & Michigan
Gratiot & Russell
Gratiot & Warren
Gratiot & Harper
Gratiot & Conner
Gratiot & 7 Mile
8 Mile & Hayes
04:03 04:14 04:20 04:24 04:26 04:34 04:37
05:03 05:14 05:20 05:24 05:26 05:34 05:37
06:03 06:14 06:20 06:24 06:26 06:34 06:37
06:33 06:44 06:50 06:54 06:56 07:04 07:07
07:03 07:14 07:20 07:24 07:26 07:34 07:37
07:33 07:44 07:50 07:54 07:56 08:04 08:07
08:03 08:14 08:20 08:24 08:26 08:34 08:37
08:33 08:44 08:50 08:54 08:56 09:04 09:07
09:03 09:14 09:20 09:24 09:26 09:34 09:37
09:33 09:44 09:50 09:54 09:56 10:04 10:07
10:03 10:14 10:20 10:24 10:26 10:34 10:37
10:33 10:44 10:50 10:54 10:56 11:05 11:09
11:03 11:16 11:23 11:28 11:31 11:40 11:44
11:33 11:46 11:53 11:58 12:01 12:10 12:14
12:03 12:16 12:23 12:28 12:31 12:40 12:44
12:33 12:46 12:53 12:58 01:01 01:10 01:14
01:03 01:16 01:23 01:28 01:31 01:40 01:44
01:33 01:46 01:53 01:58 02:01 02:10 02:14
02:03 02:16 02:23 02:28 02:31 02:40 02:44
02:33 02:46 02:53 02:58 03:01 03:10 03:14
03:03 03:16 03:23 03:28 03:31 03:40 03:44
03:33 03:46 03:53 03:58 04:01 04:10 04:14
04:03 04:16 04:23 04:28 04:31 04:40 04:44
04:33 04:46 04:53 04:58 05:01 05:10 05:14
05:03 05:16 05:23 05:28 05:31 05:40 05:44
05:33 05:46 05:53 05:58 06:01 06:10 06:14
06:01 06:13 06:19 06:24 06:27 06:36 06:40
06:31 06:43 06:49 06:54 06:57 07:06 07:10
07:01 07:13 07:19 07:24 07:27 07:36 07:40
07:31 07:43 07:49 07:54 07:57 08:06 08:10
08:01 08:13 08:19 08:24 08:27 08:36 08:40
08:31 08:43 08:49 08:54 08:57 09:06 09:10
09:01 09:13 09:19 09:24 09:27 09:36 09:40
09:31 09:43 09:49 09:54 09:57 10:05 10:08
10:03 10:14 10:20 10:24 10:26 10:34 10:37
11:03 11:14 11:20 11:24 11:26 11:34 11:37
12:03 12:14 12:20 12:24 12:26 12:34 12:37
01:03 01:14 01:20 01:24 01:26 01:34 01:37
02:03 02:14 02:20 02:24 02:26 02:34 02:37
03:03 03:14 03:20 03:24 03:26 03:34 03:37

Bus Schedule DDOT 6 discover your next journey with DDOT! Our bus schedules are meticulously organized for your convenience. At the top of our schedule, we feature key stops, listed sequentially for easy navigation. To find out when the bus departs from each major stop, simply glance down the corresponding column. But that’s not all – our buses also serve numerous additional stops along the route. For a comprehensive list of all stops, including those between the major ones, be sure to visit our stops page. Travel smart and efficiently with DDOT’s well-structured bus schedules!

Day of week: Saturday
Direction: Southbound

Gratiot & 8 Mile
Gratiot & 7 Mile
Gratiot & Conner
Gratiot & Harper
Gratiot & E Grand Bl
Gratiot & Russell
Third & Michigan
04:14 04:17 04:24 04:26 04:31 04:38 04:49
05:14 05:17 05:24 05:26 05:31 05:38 05:49
06:14 06:17 06:24 06:26 06:31 06:38 06:49
06:43 06:46 06:53 06:55 07:00 07:07 07:18
07:13 07:16 07:23 07:25 07:30 07:37 07:48
07:43 07:46 07:53 07:55 08:00 08:08 08:21
08:13 08:17 08:25 08:28 08:34 08:42 08:55
08:43 08:47 08:55 08:58 09:04 09:12 09:25
09:13 09:17 09:25 09:28 09:34 09:42 09:55
09:43 09:47 09:55 09:58 10:04 10:12 10:25
10:13 10:17 10:25 10:28 10:34 10:42 10:55
10:43 10:47 10:55 10:58 11:05 11:13 11:27
11:13 11:17 11:25 11:28 11:35 11:43 11:57
11:43 11:47 11:55 11:58 12:05 12:13 12:27
12:13 12:17 12:25 12:28 12:35 12:43 12:57
12:43 12:47 12:55 12:58 01:05 01:13 01:27
01:13 01:17 01:25 01:28 01:35 01:43 01:57
01:43 01:47 01:55 01:58 02:05 02:13 02:27
02:13 02:17 02:25 02:28 02:35 02:43 02:57
02:43 02:47 02:55 02:58 03:05 03:13 03:27
03:13 03:17 03:25 03:28 03:35 03:43 03:57
03:43 03:47 03:55 03:58 04:05 04:13 04:27
04:13 04:17 04:25 04:28 04:35 04:43 04:57
04:43 04:47 04:55 04:58 05:05 05:13 05:27
05:13 05:17 05:25 05:28 05:35 05:43 05:57
05:47 05:51 05:59 06:02 06:08 06:15 06:27
06:17 06:21 06:29 06:32 06:38 06:45 06:57
06:47 06:51 06:59 07:02 07:08 07:15 07:27
07:17 07:21 07:29 07:32 07:38 07:45 07:57
07:47 07:51 07:59 08:02 08:08 08:15 08:27
08:17 08:21 08:29 08:32 08:38 08:45 08:57
08:47 08:51 08:59 09:02 09:08 09:15 09:27
09:18 09:22 09:30 09:33 09:39 09:46 09:58
09:51 09:55 10:03 10:05 10:10 10:16 10:27
10:25 10:28 10:35 10:37 10:42 10:48 10:59
11:15 11:18 11:25 11:27 11:32 11:38 11:49
12:15 12:18 12:25 12:27 12:32 12:38 12:49
01:15 01:18 01:25 01:27 01:32 01:38 01:49
02:15 02:18 02:25 02:27 02:32 02:38 02:49
03:15 03:18 03:25 03:27 03:32 03:38 03:49

Bus Schedule DDOT 6 discover your next journey with DDOT! Our bus schedules are meticulously organized for your convenience. At the top of our schedule, we feature key stops, listed sequentially for easy navigation. To find out when the bus departs from each major stop, simply glance down the corresponding column. But that’s not all – our buses also serve numerous additional stops along the route. For a comprehensive list of all stops, including those between the major ones, be sure to visit our stops page. Travel smart and efficiently with DDOT’s well-structured bus schedules!

Day of week: Saturday
Direction: Northbound

Third & Michigan
Gratiot & Russell
Gratiot & Warren
Gratiot & Harper
Gratiot & Conner
Gratiot & 7 Mile
8 Mile & Hayes
04:03 04:14 04:21 04:24 04:26 04:35 04:38
05:03 05:14 05:21 05:24 05:26 05:35 05:38
06:03 06:14 06:21 06:24 06:26 06:35 06:38
06:33 06:44 06:51 06:54 06:56 07:05 07:08
07:03 07:14 07:21 07:24 07:26 07:35 07:38
07:33 07:44 07:51 07:54 07:56 08:06 08:10
08:03 08:16 08:24 08:27 08:30 08:40 08:44
08:33 08:46 08:54 08:57 09:00 09:10 09:14
09:03 09:16 09:24 09:27 09:30 09:40 09:44
09:33 09:46 09:54 09:57 10:00 10:10 10:14
10:03 10:16 10:24 10:27 10:30 10:40 10:44
10:33 10:46 10:54 10:57 11:00 11:11 11:15
11:03 11:17 11:25 11:28 11:31 11:42 11:46
11:33 11:47 11:55 11:58 12:01 12:12 12:16
12:03 12:17 12:25 12:28 12:31 12:42 12:46
12:33 12:47 12:55 12:58 01:01 01:12 01:16
01:03 01:17 01:25 01:28 01:31 01:42 01:46
01:33 01:47 01:55 01:58 02:01 02:12 02:16
02:03 02:17 02:25 02:28 02:31 02:42 02:46
02:33 02:47 02:55 02:58 03:01 03:12 03:16
03:03 03:17 03:25 03:28 03:31 03:42 03:46
03:33 03:47 03:55 03:58 04:01 04:12 04:16
04:03 04:17 04:25 04:28 04:31 04:42 04:46
04:33 04:47 04:55 04:58 05:01 05:12 05:16
05:03 05:17 05:25 05:28 05:31 05:42 05:46
05:33 05:47 05:55 05:58 06:01 06:11 06:15
06:03 06:16 06:24 06:27 06:30 06:40 06:44
06:31 06:44 06:52 06:55 06:58 07:08 07:12
07:01 07:14 07:22 07:25 07:28 07:38 07:42
07:31 07:44 07:52 07:55 07:58 08:08 08:12
08:01 08:14 08:22 08:25 08:28 08:38 08:42
08:31 08:44 08:52 08:55 08:58 09:08 09:12
09:01 09:14 09:22 09:25 09:28 09:38 09:42
09:32 09:45 09:53 09:56 09:59 10:08 10:11
10:03 10:14 10:21 10:24 10:26 10:35 10:38
11:03 11:14 11:21 11:24 11:26 11:35 11:38
12:03 12:14 12:21 12:24 12:26 12:35 12:38
01:03 01:14 01:21 01:24 01:26 01:35 01:38
02:03 02:14 02:21 02:24 02:26 02:35 02:38
03:03 03:14 03:21 03:24 03:26 03:35 03:38

Route Bus DDOT 6 Direction Southbound

Gratiot & 8 Mile#554
Gratiot & Mohican#4377
Gratiot & Fairmount#1299
Gratiot & State Fair#1297
Gratiot & Manning#1295
Gratiot & Lappin#1290
Gratiot & 7 Mile#555
Gratiot & Saratoga#1283
Gratiot & Park Grove#3253
Gratiot & McNichols#1278
Gratiot & Hickory#1274
Gratiot & Gitre#1271
Gratiot & Goulburn#2534
Gratiot & Barlow#1268
Gratiot & Whithorn#1266
Gratiot & St Patrick#1264
Gratiot & Wilfred#9152
Gratiot & Gunston#9568
Gratiot & E Outer Dr#557
Gratiot & Conner#1251
Gratiot @ 10755#2532
Gratiot & French#1244
Gratiot & Marcus#1240
Gratiot & Georgia#1239
Gratiot & Peter Hunt#1238
Gratiot & Harper#558
Gratiot & McClellan#1229
Gratiot & Lambert#1227
Gratiot & Rohns#1225
Gratiot & Burns#1221
Gratiot & Seminole#1218
Gratiot & Parker#60038
Gratiot & Van Dyke#559
Gratiot & Baldwin#1211
Gratiot & Townsend#2640
Gratiot & E Grand Bl#178
Gratiot & Forest#9567
Gratiot & Beaufait#1206
Gratiot & Superior#1202
Gratiot & Moran#1197
Gratiot & Mack#560
Gratiot & McDougall#1190
Gratiot & Joseph Campau#1187
Gratiot & Chene#561
Gratiot & St Aubin#1180
Gratiot & Adelaide#1179
Gratiot & I-75 Service Dr#1176
Gratiot & Russell#655
Gratiot & Rivard#1171
Gratiot & St Antoine#1163
Gratiot & Beaubien#1157
Randolph & Monroe#1147
Randolph & Farmer#10426
Jefferson & Woodward#1132
Jefferson & Shelby#223
Washington & Jefferson#9482
Washington & Lafayette#10316
Michigan & Cass#1102
Michigan & First#8346
Third & Michigan#9963

Route Bus DDOT 6 Direction Northbound

Third & Michigan#9963
Michigan & First#1098
Michigan & Cass#1101
Washington & Michigan#1118
Washington & Lafayette#5660
Larned & Shelby#9478
Larned & Woodward#5247
Randolph & Lafayette#1142
Gratiot & Brush#1148
Gratiot & Beaubien#1158
Gratiot & St Antoine#1162
Gratiot & Antietam#1168
Gratiot & Rivard#1169
Gratiot & Russell#167
Gratiot & Jay#1177
Gratiot & St Aubin#1182
Gratiot & Chene#545
Gratiot & Heidelberg#1188
Gratiot & McDougall#1189
Gratiot & Mack#8876
Gratiot & Ellery#1198
Gratiot & Mt Elliott#1204
Gratiot & Beaufait#1205
Gratiot & Forest#1209
Gratiot & Warren#1369
Gratiot & Baldwin#1210
Gratiot & Van Dyke#548
Gratiot & Iroquois#1219
Gratiot & Burns#1220
Gratiot & Crane#1222
Gratiot & Holcomb#1226
Gratiot & McClellan#1230
Gratiot & Harper#549
Gratiot & Sterritt#1237
Gratiot & Marcus#1241
Gratiot & French#1247
Gratiot @ 10700#1248
Gratiot & Conner#1249
Gratiot & E Outer Dr#1255
Gratiot & Gunston#1258
Gratiot & Glenfield#1262
Gratiot & Flanders#1263
Gratiot & Jane#1265
Gratiot & Filbert#1267
Gratiot & Houston-Whittier#8837
Gratiot & Rochelle#1272
Gratiot & Hazelridge#1273
Gratiot & Seymour#1276
Gratiot & Greiner#1280
Gratiot & Glenwood#1281
Gratiot & Faircrest#1282
Gratiot & 7 Mile#552
Gratiot & Lappin#1291
Gratiot & Novara#1293
Gratiot & State Fair#1296
Gratiot & Fairmount#1298
Gratiot & Bringard#1300
Gratiot & Carlisle#1302
8 Mile & Hayes#10413