SDMTS 872 Bus Schedule El Cajon Shuttle Loop

SDMTS 872 Bus Schedule El Cajon Shuttle Loop, see the bus route on the map and plan your trip in the San Diego community, find out in real time which bus is closest to you.

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SDMTS Bus Schedule
SDMTS Bus Schedule

SDMTS 872 Bus Schedule

872 Bus Schedule SDMTS El Cajon Shuttle Loop travel route map.

Bus Schedule SDMTS 872 El Cajon Shuttle Loop

Route 872 โ€“ Monday through Friday / lunes a viernes

El Cajon Transit Center -> Magnolia Av. -> El Cajon Transit Center

6:49a 6:53a 7:00a 7:06a
7:19 7:24 7:32 7:39
7:49 7:54 8:02 8:09
8:19 8:24 8:32 8:39
8:49 8:54 9:02 9:09
9:19 9:24 9:32 9:39
9:49 9:54 10:02 10:09
10:19 10:24 10:32 10:39
10:49 10:54 11:02 11:09
11:19 11:24 11:32 11:39
11:49 11:54 12:02p 12:09p
12:26p 12:31p 12:39 12:46
12:56 1:01 1:09 1:16
1:26 1:31 1:39 1:46
1:56 2:01 2:09 2:16
2:26 2:31 2:39 2:46
2:56 3:01 3:09 3:16
3:26 3:31 3:39 3:46
3:56 4:01 4:09 4:16
4:26 4:31 4:39 4:46
4:56 5:01 5:09 5:16
5:26 5:31 5:39 5:46
5:56 6:01 6:09 6:16
6:26 6:30 6:37 6:43
6:56 7:00 7:07 7:13
7:26 7:30 7:37 7:43

The SDMTS 872 Bus Route, Sdmts has more than a thousand vehicles in operation, transporting people who depend on traffic to reach their destinations.

Metropolitan Transit System (MTS) was created in 1975, its main objective is to be the transit authority of San Diego, determining the bus schedule and the route with bus stops.

The SDMTS contact telephone number to assist customers is: 619.557.4617