Route C: Highland to New Sprecher via Cottontail

Route C: Highland to New Sprecher via Cottontail, Navigate the best of Madison with Route C, offering a direct path from Highland to New Sprecher and Cottontail. This route spans from the University Hospital to Cottage Grove, enveloping key areas like University Bay Drive and Atwood. With extensions C1 and C2, reaching Cottage Grove and Sprecher has never been more straightforward, making it a preferred choice for daily commuters and residents alike.

*Board at Dempsey and Cottage Grove Rd. (Stop ID 7374)
Weekday Eastbound Highland // Sprecher or Cottontail From Route Route Branch Highland & Observatory University Bay & University Johnson & Park Doty & MLK Jr. Jenifer & Ingersoll Cottage Grove & Dempsey Cottontail & Buckeye New Sprecher & Cottage Grove To Route
GA C1 05:09 05:11 05:18 05:23 05:28 05:41 ––––– 05:49 C
C C2 05:39 05:41 05:48 05:53 05:58 06:11* 06:21 ––––– C
C C1 06:04 06:06 06:13 06:18 06:23 06:36 ––––– 06:44 C
C C 06:19 06:21 06:28 06:33 06:39 06:52 ––––– ––––– C
C C1 06:33 06:35 06:43 06:49 06:55 07:08 ––––– 07:16 C
C C2 06:48 06:50 06:58 07:04 07:10 07:23* 07:33 ––––– C
C C1 07:03 07:05 07:13 07:19 07:25 07:38 ––––– 07:46 C
C C 07:18 07:20 07:28 07:34 07:40 07:54 ––––– ––––– C
C C1 07:30 07:32 07:43 07:49 07:55 08:09 ––––– 08:17 C
C C2 07:45 07:47 07:58 08:04 08:10 08:24* 08:34 ––––– C
C C1 08:00 08:02 08:13 08:19 08:25 08:39 ––––– 08:47 D
C C 08:13 08:15 08:26 08:32 08:38 08:51 ––––– ––––– C
C C1 08:26 08:28 08:39 08:45 08:51 09:04 ––––– 09:12 C
C C2 08:39 08:41 08:52 08:58 09:04 09:17* 09:27 ––––– C
C C1 08:52 08:54 09:05 09:11 09:17 09:30 ––––– 09:38 C
C C 09:05 09:07 09:18 09:24 09:30 09:43 ––––– ––––– C
C C1 09:21 09:23 09:33 09:39 09:45 09:58 ––––– 10:06 D
C C2 09:36 09:38 09:48 09:54 10:00 10:13* 10:23 ––––– C
C C1 09:51 09:53 10:03 10:09 10:15 10:28 ––––– 10:36 C
C C 10:06 10:08 10:18 10:24 10:30 10:43 ––––– ––––– C
C C1 10:21 10:23 10:33 10:39 10:45 10:58 ––––– 11:06 C
C C2 10:36 10:38 10:48 10:54 11:00 11:15* 11:25 ––––– C
C C1 10:51 10:53 11:03 11:10 11:16 11:31 ––––– 11:39 C
C C 11:06 11:08 11:18 11:25 11:31 11:46 ––––– ––––– C
C C1 11:21 11:23 11:33 11:40 11:46 12:01 ––––– 12:09 C
C C2 11:36 11:38 11:48 11:55 12:01 12:16* 12:26 ––––– C
C C1 11:51 11:53 12:03 12:10 12:16 12:31 ––––– 12:39 C
C C 12:06 12:08 12:18 12:25 12:31 12:46 ––––– ––––– C
C C1 12:21 12:23 12:33 12:40 12:46 01:01 ––––– 01:09 C
C C2 12:36 12:38 12:48 12:55 01:01 01:16* 01:26 ––––– C
C C1 12:51 12:53 01:03 01:10 01:16 01:31 ––––– 01:39 C
C C 01:06 01:08 01:18 01:25 01:31 01:46 ––––– ––––– C
C C1 01:21 01:23 01:33 01:40 01:46 02:01 ––––– 02:10 C
C C2 01:36 01:38 01:48 01:55 02:01 02:17* 02:28 ––––– C
C C1 01:51 01:53 02:03 02:11 02:17 02:33 ––––– 02:42 C
C C 02:06 02:08 02:18 02:26 02:32 02:48 ––––– ––––– C
C C1 02:21 02:23 02:33 02:41 02:47 03:03 ––––– 03:12 C
C C2 02:36 02:38 02:48 02:56 03:02 03:18* 03:29 ––––– C
C C1 02:51 02:53 03:03 03:11 03:17 03:33 ––––– 03:44 C
C C 03:06 03:08 03:18 03:26 03:32 03:49 ––––– ––––– C
C C1 03:19 03:21 03:33 03:42 03:49 04:06 ––––– 04:17 C
C C2 03:34 03:36 03:48 03:57 04:04 04:21* 04:34 ––––– C
C C1 03:49 03:51 04:03 04:12 04:19 04:36 ––––– 04:47 C
C C 04:04 04:06 04:18 04:27 04:34 04:51 ––––– ––––– C
C C1 04:19 04:21 04:33 04:42 04:49 05:06 ––––– 05:17 C
C C2 04:34 04:36 04:48 04:57 05:04 05:21* 05:34 ––––– C
C C1 04:49 04:51 05:03 05:12 05:19 05:36 ––––– 05:45 C
C C 05:04 05:06 05:18 05:27 05:34 05:49 ––––– ––––– C
C C1 05:20 05:22 05:33 05:41 05:47 06:02 ––––– 06:11 GA
C C2 05:35 05:37 05:48 05:56 06:02 06:17* 06:28 ––––– C
C C1 05:50 05:52 06:03 06:11 06:17 06:32 ––––– 06:40 C
C C 06:05 06:07 06:18 06:26 06:32 06:46 ––––– ––––– GA
C C1 06:21 06:23 06:33 06:41 06:46 07:00 ––––– 07:08 GA
C C2 06:36 06:38 06:48 06:56 07:01 07:15* 07:25 ––––– C
C C 06:51 06:53 07:03 07:11 07:16 07:30 ––––– ––––– GA
C C1 07:06 07:08 07:18 07:26 07:31 07:45 ––––– 07:53 C
C C2 07:36 07:38 07:48 07:56 08:01 08:15* 08:25 ––––– C
R C1 08:06 08:08 08:18 08:26 08:31 08:45 ––––– 08:53 C
R C2 08:36 08:38 08:48 08:56 09:01 09:14* 09:24 ––––– C
R C1 09:08 09:10 09:18 09:26 09:31 09:44 ––––– 09:52 C
R C2 09:38 09:40 09:48 09:56 10:01 10:14* 10:24 ––––– C
R C1 10:08 10:10 10:18 10:26 10:31 10:44 ––––– 10:52 C
R C2 10:38 10:40 10:48 10:56 11:01 11:14* 11:24 ––––– C
R C1 11:09 11:11 11:18 11:25 11:29 11:42 ––––– 11:50 GA
R C2 11:39 11:41 11:48 11:55 11:59 12:12* 12:22 ––––– GA
R C 12:09 12:11 12:18 12:25 12:29 ––––– ––––– ––––– GA
From Route
Route Branch
Sprecher & Cottage
Cottontail & Buckeye
Grove & Dempsey
Jenifer & Ingersoll
Wilson & MLK Jr.
University & Park
Bay & University
Highland & Observatory
To Route
GA C2 ––––– 04:38 04:46 04:57 05:02 05:08 05:15 05:20 C
GA C1 05:10 ––––– 05:16 05:27 05:32 05:38 05:45 05:50 C
GA C ––––– ––––– 05:31 05:42 05:47 05:53 06:00 06:05 C
GA C1 05:40 ––––– 05:46 05:57 06:02 06:08 06:15 06:20 C
GA C2 ––––– 05:53 06:01 06:12 06:17 06:23 06:30 06:35 C
C C1 06:08 ––––– 06:14 06:25 06:31 06:38 06:47 06:52 C
GA C ––––– ––––– 06:27 06:40 06:46 06:53 07:02 07:07 C
GA C1 06:35 ––––– 06:42 06:55 07:01 07:08 07:17 07:22 C
C C2 ––––– 06:48 06:57 07:10 07:16 07:23 07:32 07:37 C
C C1 07:00 ––––– 07:07 07:20 07:26 07:35 07:46 07:51 C
C C ––––– ––––– 07:15 07:31 07:38 07:47 07:58 08:03 C
GA C ––––– ––––– 07:27 07:43 07:50 07:59 08:10 08:15 C
C C1 07:31 ––––– 07:39 07:55 08:02 08:11 08:22 08:27 C
C C2 ––––– 07:41 07:51 08:07 08:14 08:23 08:34 08:39 C
C C1 07:58 ––––– 08:06 08:22 08:29 08:38 08:49 08:54 C
C C ––––– ––––– 08:21 08:37 08:44 08:53 09:04 09:09 C
C C1 08:28 ––––– 08:36 08:52 08:59 09:08 09:18 09:23 C
C C2 ––––– 08:44 08:54 09:07 09:14 09:23 09:33 09:38 C
D C1 09:03 ––––– 09:10 09:23 09:30 09:38 09:47 09:52 C
C C ––––– ––––– 09:25 09:38 09:45 09:53 10:02 10:07 C
C C1 09:33 ––––– 09:40 09:53 10:00 10:08 10:17 10:22 C
C C2 ––––– 09:46 09:55 10:08 10:15 10:23 10:32 10:37 C
C C1 10:03 ––––– 10:10 10:23 10:30 10:38 10:47 10:52 C
C C ––––– ––––– 10:25 10:38 10:45 10:53 11:02 11:07 C
D C1 10:33 ––––– 10:40 10:53 11:00 11:08 11:17 11:22 C
C C2 ––––– 10:46 10:55 11:08 11:15 11:23 11:32 11:37 C
C C1 11:03 ––––– 11:10 11:23 11:30 11:38 11:47 11:52 C
C C ––––– ––––– 11:25 11:38 11:45 11:53 12:02 12:07 C
C C1 11:33 ––––– 11:40 11:53 12:00 12:08 12:17 12:22 C
C C2 ––––– 11:46 11:55 12:08 12:15 12:23 12:32 12:37 C
C C1 12:03 ––––– 12:10 12:23 12:30 12:38 12:48 12:53 C
C C ––––– ––––– 12:25 12:38 12:45 12:53 01:03 01:08 C
C C1 12:33 ––––– 12:40 12:53 01:00 01:08 01:18 01:23 C
C C2 ––––– 12:46 12:55 01:08 01:15 01:23 01:33 01:38 C
C C1 01:03 ––––– 01:10 01:23 01:30 01:38 01:48 01:53 C
C C ––––– ––––– 01:25 01:38 01:45 01:53 02:03 02:08 C
C C1 01:33 ––––– 01:40 01:53 02:00 02:08 02:19 02:24 C
C C2 ––––– 01:45 01:54 02:08 02:15 02:23 02:34 02:39 C
C C1 02:02 ––––– 02:09 02:23 02:30 02:38 02:49 02:54 C
C C ––––– ––––– 02:24 02:38 02:45 02:53 03:04 03:09 C
C C1 02:32 ––––– 02:39 02:53 03:00 03:08 03:19 03:24 C
C C2 ––––– 02:45 02:54 03:08 03:15 03:23 03:34 03:39 C
C C1 03:02 ––––– 03:09 03:23 03:30 03:38 03:51 03:56 C
C C ––––– ––––– 03:24 03:38 03:45 03:53 04:06 04:11 C
C C1 03:32 ––––– 03:39 03:53 04:00 04:08 04:21 04:26 C
C C2 ––––– 03:45 03:54 04:08 04:15 04:23 04:36 04:41 C
C C1 04:02 ––––– 04:09 04:23 04:30 04:38 04:51 04:56 C
C C ––––– ––––– 04:24 04:38 04:45 04:53 05:06 05:11 C
C C1 04:32 ––––– 04:39 04:53 05:00 05:08 05:21 05:26 C
C C2 ––––– 04:45 04:54 05:08 05:15 05:23 05:36 05:41 C
C C1 05:03 ––––– 05:10 05:24 05:30 05:38 05:49 05:54 C
C C ––––– ––––– 05:26 05:39 05:45 05:53 06:04 06:09 C
C C1 05:34 ––––– 05:41 05:54 06:00 06:08 06:19 06:24 C
C C2 ––––– 05:47 05:56 06:09 06:15 06:23 06:34 06:39 C
C C1 06:04 ––––– 06:11 06:24 06:30 06:38 06:47 06:52 C
C C ––––– ––––– 06:27 06:39 06:45 06:53 07:02 07:07 GA
C C2 ––––– 06:34 06:42 06:54 07:00 07:08 07:17 07:22 C
C C1 07:06 ––––– 07:12 07:23 07:29 07:37 07:46 07:51 R
C C2 ––––– 07:34 07:42 07:53 07:59 08:07 08:16 08:21 R
C C1 08:06 ––––– 08:12 08:23 08:29 08:37 08:46 08:51 R
C C2 ––––– 08:34 08:42 08:53 08:59 09:07 09:15 09:20 R
C C1 09:07 ––––– 09:13 09:24 09:29 09:37 09:45 09:50 R
C C2 ––––– 09:35 09:43 09:54 09:59 10:07 10:15 10:20 R
C C1 10:07 ––––– 10:13 10:24 10:29 10:37 10:45 10:50 R
C C2 ––––– 10:36 10:44 10:55 11:00 11:07 11:14 11:19 R
C C1 11:08 ––––– 11:14 11:25 11:30 11:37 11:44 11:49 R
C C2 ––––– 11:36 11:44 11:55 ––––– ––––– ––––– ––––– GA
Weekday Westbound Sprecher or Cottontail // Highland
*Board at Dempsey and Cottage Grove Rd. (Stop ID 7374) 51
Weekend Eastbound Highland // Sprecher or Cottontail From Route Route Branch Highland & Observatory University Bay & University Johnson & Park Doty & MLK Jr. Jenifer & Ingersoll Cottage Grove & Dempsey Cottontail & Buckeye New Sprecher & Cottage Grove To Route
C C1 06:09 06:11 06:18 06:23 06:28 06:41 ––––– 06:49 C
R C2 06:39 06:41 06:48 06:53 06:58 07:11* 07:21 ––––– C
R C1 07:09 07:11 07:18 07:23 07:28 07:41 ––––– 07:49 C
R C2 07:39 07:41 07:48 07:53 07:58 08:11* 08:21 ––––– C
R C1 08:09 08:11 08:18 08:23 08:28 08:41 ––––– 08:49 C
R C2 08:39 08:41 08:48 08:53 08:58 09:11* 09:22 ––––– C
R C1 09:08 09:10 09:18 09:24 09:29 09:43 ––––– 09:52 C
R C2 09:38 09:40 09:48 09:54 09:59 10:13* 10:24 ––––– C
R C1 10:08 10:10 10:18 10:24 10:29 10:43 ––––– 10:52 C
R C2 10:38 10:40 10:48 10:54 10:59 11:13* 11:24 ––––– C
R C1 11:07 11:09 11:18 11:24 11:29 11:43 ––––– 11:52 C
R C2 11:37 11:39 11:48 11:54 11:59 12:13* 12:24 ––––– C
R C1 12:07 12:09 12:18 12:24 12:29 12:43 ––––– 12:52 C
R C2 12:37 12:39 12:48 12:54 12:59 01:13* 01:24 ––––– C
R C1 01:07 01:09 01:18 01:24 01:29 01:43 ––––– 01:52 C
R C2 01:37 01:39 01:48 01:54 01:59 02:13* 02:24 ––––– C
R C1 02:07 02:09 02:18 02:25 02:30 02:44 ––––– 02:53 C
R C2 02:37 02:39 02:48 02:55 03:00 03:14* 03:25 ––––– C
R C1 03:07 03:09 03:18 03:25 03:30 03:44 ––––– 03:53 C
R C2 03:37 03:39 03:48 03:55 04:00 04:14* 04:25 ––––– C
R C1 04:07 04:09 04:18 04:25 04:30 04:44 ––––– 04:53 C
R C2 04:37 04:39 04:48 04:55 05:00 05:14* 05:25 ––––– C
R C1 05:07 05:09 05:18 05:24 05:29 05:43 ––––– 05:52 C
R C2 05:37 05:39 05:48 05:54 05:59 06:13* 06:24 ––––– C
R C1 06:07 06:09 06:18 06:24 06:29 06:43 ––––– 06:52 C
R C2 06:37 06:39 06:48 06:54 06:59 07:13* 07:24 ––––– C
R C1 07:07 07:09 07:18 07:24 07:29 07:42 ––––– 07:51 C
R C2 07:37 07:39 07:48 07:54 07:59 08:12* 08:23 ––––– C
R C1 08:07 08:09 08:18 08:24 08:29 08:42 ––––– 08:51 C
R C2 08:37 08:39 08:48 08:54 08:59 09:12* 09:22 ––––– C
R C1 09:08 09:10 09:18 09:23 09:28 09:41 ––––– 09:49 C
R C2 09:38 09:40 09:48 09:53 09:58 10:11* 10:21 ––––– C
R C1 10:08 10:10 10:18 10:23 10:28 10:41 ––––– 10:49 GA
R C 10:38 10:40 10:48 10:53 10:58 11:11 ––––– ––––– GA
Weekend Westbound Sprecher or Cottontail // Highland From Route Route Branch New Sprecher & Cottage Grove Cottontail & Buckeye Cottage Grove & Dempsey Jenifer & Ingersoll Wilson & MLK Jr. University & Park University Bay & University Highland & Observatory To Route
GA C1 05:15 ––––– 05:21 05:32 05:37 05:44 05:51 05:55 C
GA C2 ––––– 05:36 05:44 05:55 06:00 06:07 06:14 06:18 R
GA C1 06:08 ––––– 06:14 06:25 06:30 06:37 06:44 06:48 R
GA C2 ––––– 06:36 06:44 06:55 07:00 07:07 07:14 07:18 R
C C1 07:08 ––––– 07:14 07:25 07:30 07:37 07:44 07:48 R
C C2 ––––– 07:35 07:43 07:54 07:59 08:07 08:15 08:19 R
C C1 08:05 ––––– 08:11 08:23 08:29 08:37 08:45 08:49 R
C C2 ––––– 08:33 08:41 08:53 08:59 09:07 09:15 09:19 R
C C1 09:05 ––––– 09:11 09:23 09:29 09:37 09:45 09:49 R
C C2 ––––– 09:33 09:41 09:53 09:59 10:07 10:15 10:19 R
C C1 10:05 ––––– 10:11 10:23 10:29 10:37 10:45 10:49 R
C C2 ––––– 10:33 10:41 10:53 10:59 11:07 11:15 11:20 R
C C1 11:04 ––––– 11:10 11:23 11:29 11:37 11:45 11:50 R
C C2 ––––– 11:32 11:40 11:53 11:59 12:07 12:15 12:20 R
C C1 12:04 ––––– 12:10 12:23 12:29 12:37 12:45 12:50 R
C C2 ––––– 12:32 12:40 12:53 12:59 01:07 01:15 01:20 R
C C1 01:04 ––––– 01:10 01:23 01:29 01:37 01:45 01:50 R
C C2 ––––– 01:32 01:40 01:53 01:59 02:07 02:15 02:20 R
C C1 02:03 ––––– 02:09 02:23 02:29 02:37 02:45 02:50 R
C C2 ––––– 02:31 02:39 02:53 02:59 03:07 03:15 03:20 R
C C1 03:03 ––––– 03:09 03:23 03:29 03:37 03:45 03:50 R
C C2 ––––– 03:31 03:39 03:53 03:59 04:07 04:15 04:20 R
C C1 04:05 ––––– 04:11 04:23 04:29 04:37 04:45 04:50 R
C C2 ––––– 04:33 04:41 04:53 04:59 05:07 05:15 05:20 R
C C1 05:05 ––––– 05:11 05:23 05:29 05:37 05:45 05:50 R
C C2 ––––– 05:33 05:41 05:53 05:59 06:07 06:15 06:20 R
C C1 06:06 ––––– 06:12 06:24 06:29 06:37 06:45 06:50 R
C C2 ––––– 06:34 06:42 06:54 06:59 07:07 07:15 07:20 R
C C1 07:06 ––––– 07:12 07:24 07:29 07:37 07:45 07:50 R
C C2 ––––– 07:34 07:42 07:54 07:59 08:07 08:14 08:19 R
C C1 08:07 ––––– 08:13 08:24 08:29 08:37 08:44 08:49 R
C C2 ––––– 08:35 08:43 08:54 08:59 09:07 09:14 09:19 R
C C1 09:07 ––––– 09:13 09:24 09:29 09:37 09:44 09:49 R
C C2 ––––– 09:35 09:43 09:54 09:59 10:07 10:14 10:19 R
C C1 10:07 ––––– 10:13 10:24 10:29 10:37 10:44 10:49 GA
C C2 ––––– 10:35 10:43 10:54 ––––– ––––– ––––– ––––– GA

Madison Bus Routes
Madison Bus Routes

Route C Text Description
Service between the University Hospital and Cottage Grove and Dempsey via University Bay Drive, Old University, University and Johnson, Broom and Bassett, Jenifer, Winnebago, Atwood, and Cottage Grove.

C1: Service continues to Cottage Grove and Sprecher via Cottage Grove.

C2: Service continues to Cottage Grove and Sprecher via Buckeye).

C1 (Westbound)
Starts southbound on New Sprecher at Cottage Grove
Right on Cottage Grove
Right on Atwood
Left on Winnebago
To Williamson
Left on Baldwin
Right on Jenifer
Left on Williamson
Straight to Wilson
Right on Henry
Left on Doty
Right on Broom
Left on Gorham from traffic signal
To University
Left to University
Right on Highland
Left on Campus Dr westbound ramp
Right on University Bay
To Highland
Left on Observatory
Ends at Observatory and Highland
C1 (Eastbound)
Starts northbound at Observatory and Highland
To University Bay
Left onto University Ave
To University Ave
To W Johnson St
Right on Bassett
Left on Wilson
Soft left on Hamilton
Right on Doty
Right on King
Soft Left on Wilson
Straight to Williamson
Right on Jenifer
Left on Baldwin
Right on Williamson
To Winnebago
Right on Eastwood
Left on First St
Right on Winnebago
Right on Atwood
Right on Division
Left on Eastwood
To Atwood
Left on Cottage Grove
Left on Sprecher
Right on Kilpatrick
Right on New Sprecher
Ends southbound on New Sprecher at Cottage Grove
C2 (Westbound)
Starts eastbound on Kings Mill Way
Right on Cottontail Trail
Right on Buckeye
Right on Davies
To Dempsey
Left on Cottage Grove Rd
Right on Atwood
Left on Winnebago
Left on Baldwin
Right on Jenifer
Left on Williamson
Straight to Wilson
Right on Henry
Left on Doty
Right on Broom
Left on Gorham from traffic signal
To University
Left to University
Right on Highland
Left on Campus Dr westbound ramp
Right on University Bay
To Highland
Left on observatory
Ends at Observatory and Highland
C2 (Eastbound)
Starts northbound at Observatory and Highland
To University Bay
Left onto University Ave
To University Ave
To W Johnson St
Right on Bassett
Left on Wilson
Soft left on Hamilton
Right on Doty
Right on King
Soft left on Wilson
Straight to Williamson
Right on Jenifer
Left on Baldwin
Right on Williamson
To Winnebago
Right on Eastwood
Left on First
Right on Winnebago
Right on Atwood
Right on Division
Left on Eastwood
To Atwood
Left on Cottage Grove
Right on Dempsey
To Davies
Left on Buckeye
Left on Kings Mill
Ends on Kings Mill at Cottontail Trail