DDOT BUS SCHEDULE 60 EVERGREEN. Bus Schedule DDOT 60 discover your next journey with DDOT! Our bus schedules are meticulously organized for your convenience. At the top of our schedule, we feature key stops, listed sequentially for easy navigation. To find out when the bus departs from each major stop, simply glance down the corresponding column. But that’s not all – our buses also serve numerous additional stops along the route. For a comprehensive list of all stops, including those between the major ones, be sure to visit our stops page. Travel smart and efficiently with DDOT’s well-structured bus schedules!


Day of week: Weekday
Direction: Northbound

Fairlane Town Center
Evergreen @ Henry Ford Community College
Evergreen & Warren
Evergreen & Plymouth
Evergreen & Schoolcraft
Evergreen & Grand River
Evergreen & 7 Mile
Evergreen & 8 Mile
Northwestern & 10 Mile
05:00 05:05 05:09 05:16 05:19 05:23 05:29 05:32 05:39
06:00 06:05 06:09 06:16 06:19 06:23 06:29 06:32 06:39
06:30 06:35 06:39 06:46 06:49 06:53 06:59 07:03 07:10
07:00 07:06 07:11 07:19 07:23 07:28 07:34 07:38 07:45
07:30 07:36 07:41 07:49 07:53 07:58 08:04 08:08 08:15
08:00 08:06 08:11 08:19 08:23 08:28 08:34 08:38 08:45
08:30 08:36 08:41 08:49 08:53 08:58 09:04 09:08 09:15
09:00 09:06 09:11 09:19 09:23 09:28 09:34 09:38 09:45
09:30 09:36 09:41 09:49 09:53 09:58 10:04 10:08 10:15
10:00 10:06 10:11 10:19 10:23 10:28 10:34 10:38 10:45
10:30 10:36 10:41 10:49 10:53 10:58 11:05 11:09 11:16
11:00 11:07 11:12 11:21 11:25 11:30 11:37 11:41 11:48
11:30 11:37 11:42 11:51 11:55 12:00 12:07 12:11 12:18
12:00 12:07 12:12 12:21 12:25 12:30 12:37 12:41 12:48
12:30 12:37 12:42 12:51 12:55 01:00 01:07 01:11 01:18
01:00 01:07 01:12 01:21 01:25 01:30 01:37 01:41 01:48
01:30 01:37 01:42 01:51 01:55 02:00 02:07 02:11 02:18
02:00 02:07 02:12 02:21 02:25 02:30 02:37 02:41 02:48
02:30 02:37 02:42 02:51 02:55 03:00 03:07 03:11 03:18
03:00 03:07 03:12 03:21 03:25 03:30 03:37 03:41 03:48
03:30 03:37 03:42 03:51 03:55 04:00 04:07 04:11 04:18
04:00 04:07 04:12 04:21 04:25 04:30 04:37 04:41 04:48
04:30 04:37 04:42 04:51 04:55 05:00 05:07 05:11 05:18
05:00 05:07 05:12 05:21 05:25 05:30 05:37 05:41 05:48
05:30 05:37 05:42 05:51 05:55 06:00 06:07 06:11 06:18
06:00 06:07 06:12 06:21 06:25 06:30 06:37 06:41 06:48
06:30 06:37 06:42 06:51 06:55 07:00 07:06 07:09 07:15
07:30 07:36 07:40 07:47 07:50 07:54 08:00 08:03 08:09
08:30 08:36 08:40 08:47 08:50 08:54 09:00 09:03 09:09
09:30 09:36 09:40 09:47 09:50 09:54 10:00 10:03 10:09
10:30 10:36 10:40 10:47 10:50 10:54 11:00 11:03 11:09

Bus Schedule DDOT 60 discover your next journey with DDOT! Our bus schedules are meticulously organized for your convenience. At the top of our schedule, we feature key stops, listed sequentially for easy navigation. To find out when the bus departs from each major stop, simply glance down the corresponding column. But that’s not all – our buses also serve numerous additional stops along the route. For a comprehensive list of all stops, including those between the major ones, be sure to visit our stops page. Travel smart and efficiently with DDOT’s well-structured bus schedules!

Day of week: Weekday
Direction: Southbound

Evergreen & 10 Mile
Evergreen & Westover
Evergreen & 7 Mile
Evergreen & Grand River
Evergreen & Schoolcraft
Evergreen & Plymouth
Evergreen & Warren
Evergreen @ Henry Ford Community College
Fairlane Town Center
05:00 05:06 05:10 05:15 05:19 05:23 05:30 05:34 05:40
06:00 06:06 06:10 06:15 06:19 06:23 06:30 06:34 06:40
07:00 07:06 07:10 07:15 07:20 07:24 07:32 07:37 07:44
07:30 07:36 07:40 07:45 07:50 07:54 08:02 08:07 08:14
08:00 08:06 08:10 08:15 08:20 08:24 08:32 08:37 08:44
08:30 08:36 08:40 08:45 08:50 08:54 09:02 09:07 09:14
09:00 09:06 09:10 09:15 09:20 09:24 09:32 09:37 09:44
09:30 09:36 09:40 09:45 09:50 09:54 10:02 10:07 10:14
10:00 10:06 10:10 10:15 10:20 10:24 10:32 10:37 10:44
10:30 10:36 10:40 10:45 10:50 10:54 11:02 11:08 11:15
11:00 11:07 11:12 11:18 11:23 11:27 11:35 11:41 11:48
11:30 11:37 11:42 11:48 11:53 11:57 12:05 12:11 12:18
12:00 12:07 12:12 12:18 12:23 12:27 12:35 12:41 12:48
12:30 12:37 12:42 12:48 12:53 12:57 01:05 01:11 01:18
01:00 01:07 01:12 01:18 01:23 01:27 01:35 01:41 01:48
01:30 01:37 01:42 01:48 01:53 01:57 02:05 02:11 02:18
02:00 02:07 02:12 02:18 02:23 02:27 02:35 02:41 02:48
02:30 02:37 02:42 02:48 02:53 02:57 03:05 03:11 03:18
03:00 03:07 03:12 03:18 03:23 03:27 03:35 03:41 03:48
03:30 03:37 03:42 03:48 03:53 03:57 04:05 04:11 04:18
04:00 04:07 04:12 04:18 04:23 04:27 04:35 04:41 04:48
04:30 04:37 04:42 04:48 04:53 04:57 05:05 05:11 05:18
05:00 05:07 05:12 05:18 05:23 05:27 05:35 05:41 05:48
05:30 05:37 05:42 05:48 05:53 05:57 06:05 06:11 06:18
06:30 06:37 06:42 06:48 06:53 06:57 07:04 07:09 07:15
07:30 07:36 07:40 07:45 07:49 07:52 07:59 08:04 08:10
08:30 08:36 08:40 08:45 08:49 08:52 08:59 09:04 09:10
09:30 09:36 09:40 09:45 09:49 09:52 09:59 10:04 10:10
10:30 10:36 10:40 10:45 10:49 10:52 10:59 11:04 11:10

Bus Schedule DDOT 60 discover your next journey with DDOT! Our bus schedules are meticulously organized for your convenience. At the top of our schedule, we feature key stops, listed sequentially for easy navigation. To find out when the bus departs from each major stop, simply glance down the corresponding column. But that’s not all – our buses also serve numerous additional stops along the route. For a comprehensive list of all stops, including those between the major ones, be sure to visit our stops page. Travel smart and efficiently with DDOT’s well-structured bus schedules!

Day of week: Sunday
Direction: Northbound

Fairlane Town Center
Evergreen @ Henry Ford Community College
Evergreen & Warren
Evergreen & Plymouth
Evergreen & Schoolcraft
Evergreen & Grand River
Evergreen & 7 Mile
Evergreen & 8 Mile
Northwestern & 10 Mile
07:15 07:21 07:25 07:31 07:34 07:38 07:44 07:48 07:54
08:15 08:21 08:25 08:31 08:34 08:38 08:44 08:48 08:54
09:15 09:21 09:25 09:31 09:34 09:38 09:44 09:48 09:54
10:15 10:22 10:27 10:35 10:39 10:44 10:51 10:55 11:02
11:15 11:22 11:27 11:35 11:39 11:44 11:51 11:55 12:02
12:15 12:22 12:27 12:35 12:39 12:44 12:51 12:55 01:02
01:15 01:22 01:27 01:35 01:39 01:44 01:51 01:55 02:02
02:15 02:22 02:27 02:35 02:39 02:44 02:51 02:55 03:02
03:15 03:22 03:27 03:35 03:39 03:44 03:51 03:55 04:02
04:15 04:22 04:27 04:35 04:39 04:44 04:51 04:55 05:02
05:15 05:22 05:27 05:35 05:39 05:44 05:51 05:55 06:02
06:15 06:21 06:25 06:32 06:35 06:39 06:45 06:49 06:55
07:15 07:21 07:25 07:32 07:35 07:39 07:45 07:49 07:55
08:15 08:21 08:25 08:32 08:35 08:39 08:45 08:49 08:55
09:15 09:21 09:25 09:32 09:35 09:39 09:45 09:49 09:55

Bus Schedule DDOT 60 discover your next journey with DDOT! Our bus schedules are meticulously organized for your convenience. At the top of our schedule, we feature key stops, listed sequentially for easy navigation. To find out when the bus departs from each major stop, simply glance down the corresponding column. But that’s not all – our buses also serve numerous additional stops along the route. For a comprehensive list of all stops, including those between the major ones, be sure to visit our stops page. Travel smart and efficiently with DDOT’s well-structured bus schedules!

Day of week: Sunday
Direction: Southbound

Evergreen & 10 Mile
Evergreen & Westover
Evergreen & 7 Mile
Evergreen & Grand River
Evergreen & Schoolcraft
Evergreen & Plymouth
Evergreen & Warren
Evergreen @ Henry Ford Community College
Fairlane Town Center
07:17 07:24 07:28 07:33 07:36 07:39 07:45 07:50 07:57
08:17 08:24 08:28 08:33 08:36 08:39 08:45 08:50 08:57
09:17 09:24 09:28 09:33 09:36 09:39 09:45 09:50 09:57
10:17 10:25 10:29 10:35 10:39 10:43 10:51 10:57 11:05
11:17 11:25 11:29 11:35 11:39 11:43 11:51 11:57 12:05
12:17 12:25 12:29 12:35 12:39 12:43 12:51 12:57 01:05
01:17 01:25 01:29 01:35 01:39 01:43 01:51 01:57 02:05
02:17 02:25 02:29 02:35 02:39 02:43 02:51 02:57 03:05
03:17 03:25 03:29 03:35 03:39 03:43 03:51 03:57 04:05
04:17 04:25 04:29 04:35 04:39 04:43 04:51 04:57 05:05
05:17 05:25 05:29 05:35 05:39 05:43 05:51 05:57 06:04
06:17 06:24 06:28 06:33 06:36 06:39 06:46 06:51 06:58
07:17 07:24 07:28 07:33 07:36 07:39 07:46 07:51 07:58
08:17 08:24 08:28 08:33 08:36 08:39 08:46 08:51 08:58
09:17 09:24 09:28 09:33 09:36 09:39 09:46 09:51 09:58

Bus Schedule DDOT 60 discover your next journey with DDOT! Our bus schedules are meticulously organized for your convenience. At the top of our schedule, we feature key stops, listed sequentially for easy navigation. To find out when the bus departs from each major stop, simply glance down the corresponding column. But that’s not all – our buses also serve numerous additional stops along the route. For a comprehensive list of all stops, including those between the major ones, be sure to visit our stops page. Travel smart and efficiently with DDOT’s well-structured bus schedules!

Day of week: Saturday
Direction: Northbound

Fairlane Town Center
Evergreen @ Henry Ford Community College
Evergreen & Warren
Evergreen & Plymouth
Evergreen & Schoolcraft
Evergreen & Grand River
Evergreen & 7 Mile
Evergreen & 8 Mile
Northwestern & 10 Mile
06:00 06:05 06:09 06:16 06:19 06:23 06:29 06:32 06:39
07:00 07:06 07:11 07:19 07:23 07:28 07:34 07:38 07:45
07:30 07:36 07:41 07:49 07:53 07:58 08:04 08:08 08:15
08:00 08:06 08:11 08:19 08:23 08:28 08:34 08:38 08:45
08:30 08:36 08:41 08:49 08:53 08:58 09:04 09:08 09:15
09:00 09:06 09:11 09:19 09:23 09:28 09:34 09:38 09:45
09:30 09:36 09:41 09:49 09:53 09:58 10:04 10:08 10:15
10:00 10:06 10:11 10:19 10:23 10:28 10:34 10:38 10:45
10:30 10:36 10:41 10:49 10:53 10:58 11:05 11:09 11:16
11:00 11:07 11:12 11:21 11:25 11:30 11:37 11:41 11:48
11:30 11:37 11:42 11:51 11:55 12:00 12:07 12:11 12:18
12:00 12:07 12:12 12:21 12:25 12:30 12:37 12:41 12:48
12:30 12:37 12:42 12:51 12:55 01:00 01:07 01:11 01:18
01:00 01:07 01:12 01:21 01:25 01:30 01:37 01:41 01:48
01:30 01:37 01:42 01:51 01:55 02:00 02:07 02:11 02:18
02:00 02:07 02:12 02:21 02:25 02:30 02:37 02:41 02:48
02:30 02:37 02:42 02:51 02:55 03:00 03:07 03:11 03:18
03:00 03:07 03:12 03:21 03:25 03:30 03:37 03:41 03:48
03:30 03:37 03:42 03:51 03:55 04:00 04:07 04:11 04:18
04:00 04:07 04:12 04:21 04:25 04:30 04:37 04:41 04:48
04:30 04:37 04:42 04:51 04:55 05:00 05:07 05:11 05:18
05:00 05:07 05:12 05:21 05:25 05:30 05:37 05:41 05:48
05:30 05:37 05:42 05:51 05:55 06:00 06:07 06:11 06:18
06:00 06:07 06:12 06:21 06:25 06:30 06:37 06:41 06:48
06:30 06:37 06:42 06:51 06:55 07:00 07:06 07:09 07:15
07:30 07:36 07:40 07:47 07:50 07:54 08:00 08:03 08:09
08:30 08:36 08:40 08:47 08:50 08:54 09:00 09:03 09:09
09:30 09:36 09:40 09:47 09:50 09:54 10:00 10:03 10:09
10:30 10:36 10:40 10:47 10:50 10:54 11:00 11:03 11:09

Bus Schedule DDOT 60 discover your next journey with DDOT! Our bus schedules are meticulously organized for your convenience. At the top of our schedule, we feature key stops, listed sequentially for easy navigation. To find out when the bus departs from each major stop, simply glance down the corresponding column. But that’s not all – our buses also serve numerous additional stops along the route. For a comprehensive list of all stops, including those between the major ones, be sure to visit our stops page. Travel smart and efficiently with DDOT’s well-structured bus schedules!

Day of week: Saturday
Direction: Southbound

Evergreen & 10 Mile
Evergreen & Westover
Evergreen & 7 Mile
Evergreen & Grand River
Evergreen & Schoolcraft
Evergreen & Plymouth
Evergreen & Warren
Evergreen @ Henry Ford Community College
Fairlane Town Center
06:00 06:06 06:10 06:15 06:19 06:23 06:30 06:34 06:40
07:00 07:06 07:10 07:15 07:20 07:24 07:32 07:37 07:44
07:30 07:36 07:40 07:45 07:50 07:54 08:02 08:07 08:14
08:00 08:06 08:10 08:15 08:20 08:24 08:32 08:37 08:44
08:30 08:36 08:40 08:45 08:50 08:54 09:02 09:07 09:14
09:00 09:06 09:10 09:15 09:20 09:24 09:32 09:37 09:44
09:30 09:36 09:40 09:45 09:50 09:54 10:02 10:07 10:14
10:00 10:06 10:10 10:15 10:20 10:24 10:32 10:37 10:44
10:30 10:36 10:40 10:45 10:50 10:54 11:02 11:08 11:15
11:00 11:07 11:12 11:18 11:23 11:27 11:35 11:41 11:48
11:30 11:37 11:42 11:48 11:53 11:57 12:05 12:11 12:18
12:00 12:07 12:12 12:18 12:23 12:27 12:35 12:41 12:48
12:30 12:37 12:42 12:48 12:53 12:57 01:05 01:11 01:18
01:00 01:07 01:12 01:18 01:23 01:27 01:35 01:41 01:48
01:30 01:37 01:42 01:48 01:53 01:57 02:05 02:11 02:18
02:00 02:07 02:12 02:18 02:23 02:27 02:35 02:41 02:48
02:30 02:37 02:42 02:48 02:53 02:57 03:05 03:11 03:18
03:00 03:07 03:12 03:18 03:23 03:27 03:35 03:41 03:48
03:30 03:37 03:42 03:48 03:53 03:57 04:05 04:11 04:18
04:00 04:07 04:12 04:18 04:23 04:27 04:35 04:41 04:48
04:30 04:37 04:42 04:48 04:53 04:57 05:05 05:11 05:18
05:00 05:07 05:12 05:18 05:23 05:27 05:35 05:41 05:48
05:30 05:37 05:42 05:48 05:53 05:57 06:05 06:11 06:18
06:30 06:37 06:42 06:48 06:53 06:57 07:04 07:09 07:15
07:30 07:36 07:40 07:45 07:49 07:52 07:59 08:04 08:10
08:30 08:36 08:40 08:45 08:49 08:52 08:59 09:04 09:10
09:30 09:36 09:40 09:45 09:49 09:52 09:59 10:04 10:10
10:30 10:36 10:40 10:45 10:49 10:52 10:59 11:04 11:10

Route Bus DDOT 60 Direction Northbound

Fairlane Town Center#368
Lone Oak & Town Center Dr#7184
Evergreen @ Henry Ford Community College#843
Evergreen & Kirkwood#3039
Evergreen & Paul#3043
Evergreen & Whitlock#7138
Evergreen & Warren#844
Evergreen & Sawyer#7144
Evergreen & Tireman#7145
Evergreen & Constance#7149
Evergreen & Joy#845
Evergreen & Cathedral#10359
Evergreen & Chicago#7223
Evergreen & Elmira#7153
Evergreen & Plymouth#7156
Evergreen & Capitol#7159
Evergreen & Davison#10022
Evergreen & Schoolcraft#846
Evergreen & Kendall#60027
Evergreen & Acacia#7166
Evergreen & Lyndon#7168
Evergreen & W Outer Dr#7170
Evergreen & Fenkell#5109
Evergreen & Midland#7172
Evergreen & Grand River#847
Evergreen & Verne#7174
Evergreen & McNichols#7233
Evergreen & Santa Clara#7176
Evergreen & Curtis#7178
Evergreen & Pickford#7181
Evergreen & Clarita#60025
Evergreen & 7 Mile#848
Evergreen & Vassar#7251
Evergreen & Pembroke#7259
Evergreen & Trojan#7261
Evergreen & 8 Mile#849
Evergreen & Midway#10360
Evergreen & Saxton#10361
Evergreen & 9 Mile#10327
Evergreen & Noel#10362
Evergreen & S Norwood#10363
Evergreen & N Norwood#10364
Northwestern & 10 Mile#10328

Route Bus DDOT 60 Direction Southbound

Evergreen & 10 Mile#10329
Evergreen & Northwestern#10351
Evergreen & N Norwood#10352
Evergreen & S Norwood#10353
Evergreen & Noel#10354
Evergreen & 9 Mile#10330
Evergreen & Woodburn#10355
Evergreen & Midway#10356
Evergreen & Westover#10357
Evergreen & 8 Mile#380
Evergreen & Trojan#7260
Evergreen & Fargo#10018
Evergreen & Pembroke#7258
Evergreen & St Martins#9810
Evergreen & Vassar#7248
Evergreen & 7 Mile#10019
Evergreen & 7 Mile#838
Evergreen & Clarita#7252
Evergreen & Pickford#7179
Evergreen & Glenco#7177
Evergreen & Santa Clara#7175
Evergreen & McNichols#7231
Evergreen & Verne#7173
Evergreen & Grand River#839
Evergreen & Midland#7171
Evergreen & Fenkell#5108
Evergreen & W Outer Dr#7169
Evergreen & Eaton#10020
Evergreen & Lyndon#7167
Evergreen & Kendall#7165
Evergreen & Schoolcraft#840
Evergreen & Davison#10021
Evergreen & Capitol#7158
Evergreen & Plymouth#7154
Evergreen & Orangelawn#7152
Evergreen & Chicago#7221
Evergreen & Cathedral#7150
Evergreen & Joy#60026
Evergreen & Constance#7148
Evergreen & Tireman#7147
Evergreen & Sawyer#7143
Evergreen & Warren#842
Evergreen & Whitlock#7137
Evergreen & Paul#3044
Evergreen & Kirkwood#3037
Evergreen @ Henry Ford Community College#843
Lone Oak & Town Center Dr#60053
Fairlane Town Center#368