Metro Transit 11 Bus Schedule

Metro Transit 11 Bus Schedule: With the Metro Transit 11 Bus Schedule, you gain access to an extensive network of destinations across Minneapolis. This bus route is perfect for those searching for efficient ‘public transportation near me’, providing timely updates and detailed route maps. Planning your journey is a breeze with tools like NexTrip, ensuring you always know your next bus stop and schedule. The number 11 bus stands out for its reliability, connecting communities with the heart of the city.

Metro Transit 11 Bus Schedule

Weekday Bus Schedule 11 local Northbound

From south Minneapolis to Columbia Heights via downtown Minneapolis
Shaded times denote rush hour service.
aOperates school days only. From south Minneapolis to Columbia Heights via downtown Minneapolis
Pleasant Ave and 50th St / Busch Terrace Nicollet Ave and 46th St I-35W & 46th St Station 4th Ave and 38th St 4th Ave and Lake St 3rd Ave and Franklin Ave Nicollet Ave and Grant St Nicollet Mall and 7th St Nicollet Mall and 3rd St DeLaSalle High School Lowry Ave NE and 2nd St NE Grand St and 29th Ave Columbia Heights Transit Center

13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1


11C – 04:30 04:32 04:36 04:41 04:46 04:50 05:01 05:05 05:08 05:16 05:19 05:29
11C – 05:05 05:07 05:11 05:16 05:21 05:25 05:29 05:33 05:36 05:44 05:47 05:57
11C – 05:30 05:32 05:36 05:41 05:47 05:51 05:55 05:59 06:02 06:11 06:14 06:25
11C – 05:47 05:50 05:54 05:59 06:05 06:09 06:13 06:17 06:20 06:29 06:32 06:43
11C – 06:02 06:05 06:09 06:14 06:20 06:24 06:28 06:32 06:35 06:44 06:47 06:58
11C – 06:17 06:20 06:24 06:29 06:35 06:39 06:43 06:47 06:50 06:59 07:02 07:13
11C – 06:31 06:34 06:38 06:43 06:50 06:54 06:58 07:02 07:05 07:14 07:17 07:28
11C – 06:44 06:47 06:52 06:58 07:05 07:09 07:13 07:17 07:20 07:30 07:33 07:44
11B – 06:59 07:02 07:07 07:13 07:20 07:25 07:29 07:33 07:36 07:46 07:49 –
11C – 07:14 07:17 07:22 07:28 07:35 07:40 07:45 07:49 07:52 08:02 08:05 08:16
11B – 07:29 07:32 07:37 07:43 07:50 07:55 08:00 08:04 08:07 08:17 08:20 –
11C – 07:44 07:47 07:52 07:58 08:05 08:10 08:15 08:19 08:22 08:32 08:35 08:46
11B – 07:59 08:02 08:07 08:13 08:20 08:25 08:30 08:34 08:37 08:47 08:50 –
11C – 08:15 08:18 08:23 08:29 08:36 08:41 08:46 08:50 08:53 09:02 09:05 09:16
11B – 08:31 08:34 08:39 08:45 08:52 08:57 09:02 09:06 09:09 09:18 09:21 –
11C – 08:48 08:51 08:56 09:02 09:09 09:14 09:19 09:23 09:26 09:35 09:38 09:49
11B – 09:04 09:07 09:12 09:18 09:25 09:30 09:35 09:39 09:42 09:51 09:54 –
11C – 09:20 09:23 09:28 09:34 09:40 09:45 09:50 09:54 09:57 10:06 10:09 10:20
11B – 09:38 09:41 09:45 09:50 09:56 10:01 10:06 10:10 10:13 10:22 10:25 –
11C – 09:54 09:57 10:01 10:06 10:12 10:17 10:22 10:26 10:29 10:38 10:41 10:52
11B – 10:09 10:12 10:16 10:21 10:27 10:32 10:37 10:41 10:44 10:53 10:56 –
11C – 10:23 10:26 10:30 10:35 10:41 10:46 10:51 10:55 10:58 11:07 11:10 11:21
11B – 10:38 10:41 10:45 10:50 10:56 11:01 11:06 11:10 11:13 11:22 11:25 –
11C – 10:52 10:55 10:59 11:04 11:10 11:15 11:20 11:24 11:27 11:36 11:39 11:50
11B – 11:07 11:10 11:14 11:19 11:25 11:30 11:35 11:40 11:44 11:53 11:56 –
11C – 11:23 11:26 11:30 11:35 11:41 11:46 11:51 11:56 12:00 12:09 12:12 12:23
11B – 11:37 11:40 11:44 11:49 11:55 12:00 12:05 12:10 12:14 12:23 12:26 –
11C – 11:53 11:56 12:00 12:05 12:11 12:16 12:21 12:26 12:30 12:39 12:42 12:53


11B – 12:06 12:09 12:13 12:18 12:24 12:29 12:34 12:39 12:43 12:52 12:55 –
11C – 12:19 12:22 12:26 12:31 12:37 12:42 12:47 12:52 12:56 01:05 01:08 01:19
11B – 12:32 12:35 12:39 12:44 12:50 12:55 01:00 01:05 01:09 01:18 01:21 –
11C – 12:47 12:50 12:54 12:59 01:05 01:10 01:15 01:20 01:24 01:33 01:36 01:48
11B – 01:02 01:05 01:09 01:14 01:20 01:25 01:30 01:35 01:39 01:48 01:51 –
11C – 01:17 01:20 01:24 01:29 01:35 01:40 01:45 01:50 01:54 02:04 02:07 02:19
11B – 01:32 01:35 01:39 01:44 01:50 01:55 02:00 02:05 02:09 02:19 02:22 –
11C – 01:47 01:50 01:54 01:59 02:05 02:10 02:15 02:20 02:24 02:34 02:37 02:49
11B – 02:02 02:05 02:09 02:14 02:20 02:25 02:30 02:35 02:39 02:49 02:52 –
11C – 02:18 02:21 02:25 02:30 02:36 02:41 02:47 02:52 02:56 03:07 03:10 03:22
11B – 02:33 02:36 02:40 02:45 02:51 02:56 03:02 03:07 03:11 03:22 03:25 –
11C – 02:48 02:51 02:55 03:00 03:06 03:11 03:17 03:22 03:26 03:37 03:40 03:52
11B – 03:03 03:06 03:11 03:16 03:22 03:27 03:33 03:38 03:42 03:53 03:56 –
11X 3:10a – 03:18 03:23 03:28 – – – – – – – –
11C 03:12 – 03:20 03:25 03:30 03:36 03:41 03:47 03:52 03:56 04:07 04:10 04:22
11B 03:20 – 03:28 03:33 03:38 03:44 03:49 03:55 04:00 04:04 04:15 04:18 –
11C 03:32 – 03:40 03:45 03:51 03:57 04:02 04:08 04:13 04:17 04:28 04:31 04:43
11C – 03:52 03:55 04:00 04:06 04:12 04:17 04:24 04:29 04:34 04:45 04:48 05:00
11C – 04:07 04:10 04:15 04:21 04:27 04:32 04:39 04:44 04:49 05:00 05:03 05:15
11C – 04:22 04:25 04:30 04:36 04:42 04:47 04:54 04:59 05:04 05:15 05:18 05:30
11C – 04:37 04:40 04:45 04:51 04:57 05:02 05:09 05:14 05:19 05:30 05:33 05:45
11B – 04:52 04:55 05:00 05:06 05:12 05:17 05:24 05:29 05:34 05:44 05:47 –
11C – 05:08 05:11 05:16 05:21 05:27 05:32 05:39 05:44 05:49 05:59 06:02 06:13
11B – 05:23 05:26 05:31 05:36 05:42 05:47 05:54 05:59 06:04 06:14 06:17 –
11C – 05:38 05:41 05:46 05:51 05:57 06:02 06:09 06:14 06:19 06:29 06:32 06:43
11B – 05:53 05:56 06:01 06:06 06:12 06:17 06:24 06:29 06:34 06:43 06:46 –
11C – 06:07 06:10 06:14 06:19 06:25 06:30 06:37 06:42 06:46 06:55 06:58 07:09
11B – 06:22 06:25 06:29 06:34 06:40 06:45 06:51 06:56 07:00 07:09 07:12 –
11C – 06:37 06:40 06:44 06:49 06:55 07:00 07:06 07:11 07:15 07:24 07:27 07:38
11C – 06:58 07:01 07:05 07:10 07:16 07:20 07:26 07:31 07:35 07:44 07:47 07:58
11C – 07:25 07:27 07:31 07:36 07:42 07:46 07:51 07:55 07:58 08:07 08:10 08:21
11C – 07:55 07:57 08:01 08:06 08:12 08:16 08:21 08:25 08:28 08:37 08:40 08:51
11C – 08:27 08:29 08:33 08:38 08:44 08:48 08:53 08:57 09:00 09:09 09:12 09:23
11C – 08:57 08:59 09:03 09:08 09:14 09:18 09:23 09:27 09:30 09:39 09:42 09:52
11C – 09:27 09:29 09:33 09:38 09:44 09:48 09:53 09:57 10:00 10:09 10:12 10:22
11C – 09:57 09:59 10:03 10:08 10:14 10:18 10:23 10:27 10:30 10:39 10:42 10:52
11C – 10:37 10:39 10:43 10:48 10:54 10:58 11:03 11:07 11:10 11:19 11:22 11:32
11C – 11:40 11:42 11:46 11:50 11:55 11:59 12:10 12:13 12:15 12:23 12:26 12:36


11C – 12:40 12:42 12:46 12:50 12:55 12:59 01:10 01:13 01:15 01:23 01:26 01:36

Saturday Bus Schedule 11 local Northbound

From south Minneapolis to Columbia Heights via downtown Minneapolis
From south Minneapolis to Columbia Heights via downtown Minneapolis
Nicollet Ave and 46th St I-35W & 46th St Station 4th Ave and 38th St 4th Ave and Lake St 3rd Ave and Franklin Ave Nicollet Ave and Grant St Nicollet Mall and 7th St Nicollet Mall and 3rd St DeLaSalle High School Lowry Ave NE and 2nd St NE Grand St and 29th Ave Columbia Heights Transit Center

12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1


11B 04:31 04:33 04:37 04:41 04:46 04:50 05:01 05:04 05:06 05:14 05:17 –
11C 05:31 05:33 05:37 05:41 05:46 05:50 06:00 06:03 06:05 06:13 06:16 06:26
11C 06:06 06:08 06:12 06:16 06:21 06:25 06:29 06:32 06:34 06:42 06:45 06:55
11C 06:35 06:37 06:41 06:45 06:50 06:54 06:58 07:01 07:03 07:11 07:14 07:24
11C 07:05 07:07 07:11 07:15 07:20 07:24 07:28 07:31 07:33 07:41 07:44 07:54
11C 07:39 07:41 07:45 07:50 07:55 07:59 08:03 08:07 08:09 08:17 08:20 08:30
11C 08:08 08:10 08:14 08:19 08:25 08:29 08:33 08:37 08:39 08:47 08:50 09:00
11C 08:37 08:39 08:43 08:48 08:54 08:59 09:03 09:07 09:09 09:17 09:20 09:30
11B 08:53 08:55 08:59 09:04 09:10 09:15 09:19 09:23 09:25 09:33 09:36 –
11C 09:08 09:10 09:14 09:19 09:25 09:30 09:34 09:38 09:40 09:48 09:51 10:01
11B 09:23 09:25 09:29 09:34 09:40 09:45 09:49 09:53 09:55 10:03 10:06 –
11C 09:38 09:40 09:44 09:49 09:55 10:00 10:04 10:08 10:11 10:19 10:22 10:32
11B 09:51 09:54 09:58 10:03 10:09 10:14 10:19 10:23 10:26 10:34 10:37 –
11C 10:07 10:10 10:14 10:19 10:24 10:29 10:34 10:38 10:41 10:49 10:52 11:02
11B 10:22 10:25 10:29 10:34 10:39 10:44 10:49 10:53 10:56 11:04 11:07 –
11C 10:37 10:40 10:44 10:49 10:54 10:59 11:04 11:08 11:11 11:19 11:22 11:32
11B 10:52 10:55 10:59 11:04 11:09 11:14 11:19 11:23 11:26 11:34 11:37 –
11C 11:07 11:10 11:14 11:19 11:24 11:29 11:34 11:38 11:41 11:49 11:52 12:03
11B 11:22 11:25 11:29 11:34 11:39 11:44 11:49 11:53 11:56 12:04 12:07 –
11C 11:37 11:40 11:44 11:49 11:54 11:59 12:04 12:08 12:11 12:19 12:22 12:33
11B 11:52 11:55 11:59 12:04 12:09 12:14 12:19 12:23 12:26 12:35 12:38 –


11C 12:07 12:10 12:14 12:19 12:24 12:29 12:34 12:38 12:41 12:50 12:53 01:04
11B 12:22 12:25 12:29 12:34 12:39 12:44 12:49 12:53 12:56 01:05 01:08 –
11C 12:36 12:39 12:43 12:48 12:54 12:59 01:04 01:08 01:11 01:20 01:23 01:34
11B 12:51 12:54 12:58 01:03 01:09 01:14 01:19 01:23 01:26 01:35 01:38 –
11C 01:06 01:09 01:13 01:18 01:24 01:29 01:34 01:38 01:41 01:50 01:53 02:04
11B 01:21 01:24 01:28 01:33 01:39 01:44 01:49 01:53 01:56 02:05 02:08 –
11C 01:36 01:39 01:43 01:48 01:54 01:59 02:04 02:08 02:11 02:20 02:23 02:34
11B 01:51 01:54 01:58 02:03 02:09 02:14 02:19 02:23 02:26 02:35 02:38 –
11C 02:06 02:09 02:13 02:18 02:24 02:29 02:34 02:38 02:41 02:50 02:53 03:04
11B 02:21 02:24 02:28 02:33 02:39 02:44 02:49 02:53 02:56 03:05 03:08 –
11C 02:36 02:39 02:43 02:48 02:54 02:59 03:04 03:08 03:11 03:20 03:23 03:34
11B 02:51 02:54 02:58 03:03 03:09 03:14 03:19 03:23 03:26 03:35 03:38 –
11C 03:06 03:09 03:13 03:18 03:24 03:29 03:34 03:38 03:41 03:50 03:53 04:04
11B 03:21 03:24 03:28 03:33 03:39 03:44 03:49 03:53 03:56 04:05 04:08 –
11C 03:36 03:39 03:43 03:48 03:54 03:59 04:04 04:08 04:11 04:20 04:23 04:34
11B 03:51 03:54 03:58 04:03 04:09 04:14 04:19 04:23 04:26 04:35 04:38 –
11C 04:06 04:09 04:13 04:18 04:24 04:29 04:34 04:38 04:41 04:50 04:53 05:04
11B 04:22 04:25 04:29 04:34 04:40 04:44 04:49 04:53 04:56 05:05 05:08 –
11C 04:37 04:40 04:44 04:49 04:55 04:59 05:04 05:08 05:11 05:20 05:23 05:34
11B 04:52 04:55 04:59 05:04 05:10 05:14 05:19 05:23 05:26 05:35 05:38 –
11C 05:07 05:10 05:14 05:19 05:25 05:29 05:34 05:38 05:41 05:50 05:53 06:04
11B 05:23 05:25 05:29 05:34 05:40 05:44 05:49 05:53 05:56 06:05 06:08 –
11C 05:39 05:41 05:45 05:50 05:55 05:59 06:04 06:08 06:11 06:20 06:23 06:34
11B 05:54 05:56 06:00 06:05 06:10 06:14 06:19 06:23 06:26 06:35 06:38 –
11C 06:12 06:14 06:18 06:23 06:28 06:32 06:37 06:41 06:44 06:53 06:56 07:07
11C 06:34 06:36 06:40 06:45 06:50 06:54 06:59 07:03 07:06 07:15 07:18 07:29
11C 06:59 07:01 07:05 07:10 07:15 07:19 07:24 07:28 07:31 07:40 07:43 07:54
11C 07:29 07:31 07:35 07:40 07:45 07:49 07:54 07:58 08:01 08:10 08:13 08:24
11C 07:59 08:01 08:05 08:10 08:15 08:19 08:24 08:28 08:31 08:40 08:43 08:54
11C 08:29 08:31 08:35 08:40 08:45 08:49 08:54 08:58 09:01 09:10 09:13 09:24
11C 08:59 09:01 09:05 09:10 09:15 09:19 09:24 09:28 09:31 09:40 09:43 09:53
11C 09:29 09:31 09:35 09:40 09:45 09:49 09:54 09:58 10:01 10:10 10:13 10:23
11C 09:59 10:01 10:05 10:10 10:15 10:19 10:24 10:28 10:31 10:40 10:43 10:53
11C 10:29 10:31 10:35 10:40 10:45 10:49 10:54 10:58 11:01 11:09 11:12 11:22
11B 11:37 11:39 11:43 11:47 11:52 11:56 12:10 12:13 12:15 12:23 12:26 –


11B 12:37 12:39 12:43 12:47 12:52 12:56 01:10 01:13 01:15 01:23 01:26 –

Sunday Bus Schedule 11 local Northbound

From south Minneapolis to Columbia Heights via downtown Minneapolis
From south Minneapolis to Columbia Heights via downtown Minneapolis
Nicollet Ave and 46th St I-35W & 46th St Station 4th Ave and 38th St 4th Ave and Lake St 3rd Ave and Franklin Ave Nicollet Ave and Grant St Nicollet Mall and 7th St Nicollet Mall and 3rd St DeLaSalle High School Lowry Ave NE and 2nd St NE Grand St and 29th Ave Columbia Heights Transit Center

12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1


11C 05:37 05:39 05:43 05:47 05:52 05:56 06:00 06:03 06:05 06:13 06:16 06:26
11C 06:35 06:37 06:41 06:45 06:50 06:54 06:58 07:01 07:03 07:11 07:14 07:24
11C 07:36 07:38 07:42 07:47 07:52 07:56 08:00 08:03 08:05 08:13 08:16 08:26
11C 08:08 08:10 08:14 08:19 08:24 08:28 08:32 08:35 08:37 08:45 08:48 08:58
11C 08:37 08:39 08:43 08:48 08:53 08:58 09:02 09:05 09:07 09:15 09:18 09:28
11C 09:07 09:09 09:13 09:18 09:23 09:28 09:32 09:35 09:37 09:45 09:48 09:58
11C 09:37 09:39 09:43 09:48 09:53 09:58 10:02 10:05 10:08 10:16 10:19 10:29
11C 10:07 10:09 10:13 10:18 10:23 10:28 10:32 10:36 10:39 10:47 10:50 11:00
11C 10:37 10:39 10:43 10:48 10:53 10:58 11:02 11:06 11:09 11:17 11:20 11:30
11C 11:07 11:09 11:13 11:18 11:23 11:28 11:32 11:36 11:39 11:47 11:50 12:00
11C 11:36 11:38 11:42 11:47 11:53 11:58 12:03 12:07 12:10 12:18 12:21 12:31


11C 12:06 12:08 12:12 12:17 12:23 12:28 12:33 12:37 12:40 12:49 12:52 01:02
11C 12:36 12:38 12:42 12:47 12:53 12:58 01:03 01:07 01:10 01:19 01:22 01:32
11C 01:06 01:08 01:12 01:17 01:23 01:28 01:33 01:37 01:40 01:49 01:52 02:02
11C 01:36 01:38 01:42 01:47 01:53 01:58 02:03 02:07 02:10 02:19 02:22 02:32
11C 02:06 02:08 02:12 02:17 02:23 02:28 02:33 02:37 02:40 02:49 02:52 03:03
11C 02:36 02:38 02:42 02:47 02:53 02:58 03:03 03:07 03:10 03:19 03:22 03:33
11C 03:06 03:08 03:12 03:17 03:23 03:28 03:33 03:37 03:40 03:49 03:52 04:03
11C 03:36 03:38 03:42 03:47 03:53 03:58 04:03 04:07 04:10 04:19 04:22 04:33
11C 04:06 04:08 04:12 04:17 04:23 04:28 04:33 04:37 04:40 04:49 04:52 05:03
11C 04:36 04:38 04:42 04:47 04:53 04:58 05:03 05:07 05:10 05:19 05:22 05:33
11C 05:06 05:08 05:12 05:17 05:23 05:28 05:33 05:37 05:40 05:49 05:52 06:03
11C 05:35 05:37 05:41 05:46 05:51 05:55 06:00 06:04 06:07 06:16 06:19 06:30
11C 06:02 06:04 06:08 06:13 06:18 06:22 06:27 06:31 06:34 06:43 06:46 06:57
11C 06:28 06:30 06:34 06:39 06:44 06:48 06:53 06:57 07:00 07:09 07:12 07:23
11C 06:58 07:00 07:04 07:09 07:14 07:18 07:22 07:26 07:29 07:37 07:40 07:51
11C 07:27 07:29 07:33 07:38 07:43 07:47 07:51 07:55 07:58 08:06 08:09 08:20
11C 08:06 08:08 08:12 08:17 08:22 08:26 08:30 08:34 08:37 08:45 08:48 08:59
11C 08:52 08:54 08:58 09:02 09:07 09:11 09:15 09:18 09:21 09:29 09:32 09:43
11C 09:37 09:39 09:43 09:47 09:52 09:56 10:00 10:03 10:06 10:14 10:17 10:28
11C 10:22 10:24 10:28 10:32 10:37 10:41 10:45 10:48 10:51 10:59 11:02 11:13
11C 11:07 11:09 11:13 11:17 11:22 11:26 11:30 11:33 11:36 11:44 11:47 11:58
11B 11:42 11:44 11:48 11:52 11:57 12:01 12:10 12:13 12:15 12:23 12:26 –


11B 12:42 12:44 12:48 12:52 12:57 01:01 01:10 01:13 01:15 01:22 01:25 –

Weekday Bus Schedule 11 local Southbound

From Columbia Heights to south Minneapolis via downtown Minneapolis
Shaded times denote rush hour service.
aOperates school days only. From Columbia Heights to south Minneapolis via downtown Minneapolis
Columbia Heights Transit Center Grand St and 29th Ave Lowry Ave NE and 2nd St NE DeLaSalle High School Nicollet Mall and 3rd St Nicollet Mall and 7th St Nicollet Ave and Grant St 3rd Ave and Franklin Ave 4th Ave and Lake St 4th Ave and 38th St I-35W & 46th St Station Nicollet Ave and 46th St Pleasant Ave and 50th St / Busch Terrace

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13


11A 04:28 04:38 04:41 04:49 04:53 05:02 05:07 05:10 05:16 05:21 05:25 05:26 –
11A 05:14 05:25 05:28 05:36 05:40 05:43 05:48 05:51 05:57 06:02 06:07 06:08 –
11A – 05:41 05:44 05:52 05:56 05:59 06:04 06:07 06:13 06:18 06:23 06:24 –
11A 05:46 05:57 06:00 06:08 06:12 06:15 06:20 06:23 06:29 06:34 06:39 06:40 –
11A – 06:11 06:14 06:22 06:26 06:29 06:34 06:37 06:43 06:48 06:53 06:54 –
11D 06:15 06:26 06:29 06:37 06:41 06:44 06:50 06:54 07:00 07:05 07:10 – 07:13
11A 06:29 06:40 06:43 06:52 06:56 06:59 07:05 07:10 07:16 07:21 07:26 07:27 –
11D 06:43 06:54 06:57 07:07 07:11 07:14 07:20 07:25 07:31 07:36 07:42 – 07:45
11D 06:58 07:09 07:12 07:22 07:26 07:29 07:35 07:40 07:47 07:52 07:58 – 08:01
11D – – – – 7:34a 07:37 07:43 07:48 07:55 08:00 08:06 – 08:09
11D 07:12 07:23 07:26 07:36 07:41 07:44 07:50 07:55 08:02 08:07 08:13 – 08:16
11D 07:26 07:38 07:41 07:51 07:56 07:59 08:05 08:10 08:17 08:22 08:28 – 08:31
11A 07:41 07:53 07:56 08:06 08:11 08:14 08:20 08:25 08:32 08:37 08:42 08:43 –
11A – 08:08 08:11 08:21 08:26 08:29 08:35 08:40 08:47 08:52 08:57 08:58 –
11A 08:11 08:23 08:26 08:36 08:40 08:43 08:49 08:54 09:01 09:06 09:11 09:12 –
11A – 08:39 08:42 08:52 08:56 08:59 09:05 09:10 09:17 09:22 09:27 09:28 –
11A 08:43 08:55 08:58 09:07 09:11 09:14 09:20 09:25 09:31 09:36 09:41 09:42 –
11A – 09:10 09:13 09:22 09:26 09:29 09:35 09:40 09:46 09:51 09:56 09:57 –
11A 09:13 09:25 09:28 09:37 09:41 09:44 09:50 09:55 10:01 10:06 10:11 10:12 –
11A – 09:40 09:43 09:52 09:56 09:59 10:05 10:10 10:16 10:21 10:26 10:27 –
11A 09:43 09:55 09:58 10:07 10:11 10:14 10:21 10:26 10:32 10:37 10:42 10:43 –
11A – 10:10 10:13 10:22 10:26 10:29 10:36 10:41 10:47 10:52 10:57 10:58 –
11A 10:13 10:25 10:28 10:37 10:41 10:44 10:51 10:56 11:02 11:07 11:12 11:13 –
11A – 10:40 10:43 10:52 10:56 10:59 11:06 11:11 11:17 11:22 11:27 11:28 –
11A 10:43 10:55 10:58 11:07 11:11 11:14 11:21 11:26 11:32 11:37 11:42 11:43 –
11A – 11:10 11:13 11:22 11:26 11:29 11:36 11:41 11:48 11:53 11:58 11:59 –
11A 11:14 11:26 11:29 11:38 11:42 11:46 11:53 11:58 12:05 12:10 12:15 12:16 –
11A – 11:41 11:44 11:53 11:57 12:01 12:08 12:13 12:20 12:25 12:30 12:31 –
11A 11:44 11:56 11:59 12:08 12:12 12:16 12:23 12:28 12:35 12:40 12:45 12:46 –


11A – 12:11 12:14 12:23 12:27 12:31 12:38 12:43 12:50 12:55 01:00 01:01 –
11A 12:14 12:26 12:29 12:38 12:42 12:46 12:53 12:58 01:05 01:10 01:15 01:16 –
11A – 12:41 12:44 12:53 12:57 01:01 01:08 01:13 01:20 01:25 01:30 01:31 –
11A 12:44 12:56 12:59 01:08 01:12 01:16 01:23 01:28 01:35 01:40 01:45 01:46 –
11A – 01:11 01:14 01:23 01:27 01:31 01:38 01:43 01:50 01:55 02:00 02:01 –
11A 01:13 01:25 01:28 01:37 01:41 01:45 01:52 01:57 02:04 02:09 02:14 02:15 –
11A – 01:41 01:44 01:53 01:57 02:01 02:08 02:13 02:20 02:25 02:30 02:31 –
11A 01:43 01:55 01:58 02:07 02:11 02:15 02:22 02:27 02:34 02:39 02:45 02:46 –
11A – 02:10 02:13 02:22 02:26 02:30 02:37 02:42 02:49 02:54 03:00 03:01 –
11A 02:13 02:25 02:28 02:37 02:41 02:45 02:52 02:57 03:04 03:09 03:15 03:16 –
11A – 02:41 02:44 02:53 02:57 03:01 03:08 03:13 03:20 03:25 03:31 03:32 –
11A 02:42 02:54 02:57 03:06 03:11 03:16 03:23 03:28 03:35 03:40 03:46 03:47 –
11A – 03:09 03:12 03:21 03:26 03:31 03:38 03:43 03:50 03:55 04:01 04:02 –
11A 03:12 03:24 03:27 03:36 03:41 03:46 03:53 03:58 04:05 04:10 04:16 04:17 –
11A – 03:39 03:42 03:51 03:56 04:01 04:08 04:13 04:20 04:25 04:31 04:32 –
11A 03:42 03:54 03:57 04:06 04:11 04:16 04:23 04:28 04:35 04:40 04:46 04:47 –
11A – 04:09 04:12 04:21 04:26 04:31 04:38 04:43 04:50 04:55 05:01 05:02 –
11A 04:12 04:24 04:27 04:36 04:41 04:46 04:53 04:58 05:05 05:10 05:16 05:17 –
11A – 04:38 04:41 04:51 04:56 05:01 05:08 05:13 05:20 05:25 05:31 05:32 –
11A 04:41 04:53 04:56 05:06 05:11 05:16 05:23 05:28 05:35 05:40 05:46 05:47 –
11A 04:55 05:07 05:10 05:20 05:25 05:30 05:37 05:42 05:49 05:54 06:00 06:01 –
11A 05:10 05:22 05:25 05:35 05:40 05:45 05:52 05:57 06:04 06:09 06:15 06:16 –
11A 05:26 05:38 05:41 05:51 05:56 06:01 06:08 06:13 06:20 06:25 06:31 06:32 –
11A 05:43 05:55 05:58 06:07 06:12 06:17 06:24 06:29 06:36 06:41 06:47 06:48 –
11A 06:00 06:12 06:15 06:24 06:29 06:33 06:40 06:44 06:51 06:56 07:02 07:03 –
11A – 06:28 06:31 06:40 06:44 06:48 06:55 06:59 07:06 07:11 07:16 07:17 –
11A 06:31 06:43 06:46 06:55 06:59 07:03 07:10 07:14 07:21 07:26 07:31 07:32 –
11A 06:54 07:06 07:09 07:18 07:22 07:26 07:33 07:37 07:44 07:49 07:54 07:55 –
11A 07:19 07:30 07:33 07:41 07:45 07:49 07:56 08:00 08:06 08:11 08:16 08:17 –
11A 07:50 08:01 08:04 08:12 08:16 08:19 08:26 08:30 08:36 08:41 08:46 08:47 –
11A 08:20 08:31 08:34 08:42 08:46 08:49 08:56 09:00 09:06 09:11 09:15 09:16 –
11A 08:50 09:01 09:04 09:12 09:16 09:19 09:26 09:30 09:36 09:41 09:45 09:46 –
11A 09:20 09:31 09:34 09:42 09:46 09:49 09:56 10:00 10:06 10:11 10:15 10:16 –
11A 09:50 10:01 10:04 10:12 10:16 10:19 10:25 10:29 10:35 10:40 10:44 10:45 –
11A 10:55 11:05 11:08 11:15 11:19 11:22 11:28 11:31 11:37 11:41 11:45 11:46 –
11A 11:34 11:43 11:46 11:53 11:57 12:10 12:15 12:18 12:24 12:28 12:32 12:33 –


11A 12:34 12:43 12:46 12:53 12:57 01:10 01:15 01:18 01:24 01:28 01:32 01:33 –

Saturday Bus Schedule 11 local Southbound

From Columbia Heights to south Minneapolis via downtown Minneapolis
From Columbia Heights to south Minneapolis via downtown Minneapolis
Columbia Heights Transit Center Grand St and 29th Ave Lowry Ave NE and 2nd St NE DeLaSalle High School Nicollet Mall and 3rd St Nicollet Mall and 7th St Nicollet Ave and Grant St 3rd Ave and Franklin Ave 4th Ave and Lake St 4th Ave and 38th St I-35W & 46th St Station Nicollet Ave and 46th St

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12


11A – 04:39 04:42 04:49 04:53 05:03 05:08 05:11 05:16 05:20 05:24 05:25
11A – 05:29 05:32 05:39 05:43 05:45 05:50 05:53 05:59 06:03 06:07 06:08
11A 05:39 05:49 05:52 05:59 06:03 06:05 06:10 06:13 06:19 06:24 06:28 06:29
11A – 06:19 06:22 06:29 06:33 06:35 06:40 06:43 06:49 06:54 06:58 06:59
11A 06:41 06:51 06:54 07:01 07:05 07:07 07:12 07:15 07:21 07:26 07:30 07:31
11A 07:10 07:20 07:23 07:30 07:34 07:37 07:43 07:46 07:52 07:57 08:01 08:02
11A 07:39 07:49 07:52 08:00 08:04 08:07 08:13 08:16 08:22 08:27 08:31 08:32
11A 08:08 08:19 08:22 08:30 08:34 08:37 08:43 08:46 08:52 08:57 09:02 09:03
11A 08:23 08:34 08:37 08:45 08:49 08:52 08:58 09:01 09:07 09:12 09:17 09:18
11A – 08:49 08:52 09:00 09:04 09:07 09:13 09:16 09:22 09:27 09:32 09:33
11A 08:53 09:04 09:07 09:15 09:19 09:22 09:28 09:31 09:37 09:42 09:47 09:48
11A – 09:19 09:22 09:30 09:34 09:37 09:43 09:46 09:52 09:57 10:02 10:03
11A 09:23 09:34 09:37 09:45 09:49 09:52 09:58 10:01 10:07 10:12 10:17 10:18
11A – 09:49 09:52 10:00 10:04 10:07 10:14 10:17 10:23 10:28 10:33 10:34
11A 09:53 10:04 10:07 10:15 10:19 10:22 10:29 10:32 10:38 10:43 10:48 10:49
11A – 10:19 10:22 10:30 10:34 10:37 10:44 10:47 10:53 10:58 11:03 11:04
11A 10:22 10:34 10:37 10:45 10:49 10:52 10:59 11:02 11:08 11:13 11:18 11:19
11A – 10:49 10:52 11:00 11:04 11:07 11:14 11:17 11:23 11:28 11:33 11:34
11A 10:52 11:04 11:07 11:15 11:19 11:22 11:29 11:32 11:38 11:43 11:48 11:49
11A – 11:18 11:21 11:29 11:33 11:37 11:44 11:47 11:53 11:58 12:03 12:04
11A 11:21 11:33 11:36 11:44 11:48 11:52 11:59 12:02 12:08 12:13 12:18 12:19
11A – 11:48 11:51 11:59 12:03 12:07 12:14 12:17 12:23 12:28 12:33 12:34
11A 11:51 12:03 12:06 12:14 12:18 12:22 12:29 12:32 12:38 12:43 12:48 12:49


11A – 12:18 12:21 12:29 12:33 12:37 12:44 12:47 12:53 12:58 01:03 01:04
11A 12:21 12:33 12:36 12:44 12:48 12:52 12:59 01:02 01:08 01:13 01:18 01:19
11A – 12:47 12:50 12:58 01:02 01:06 01:13 01:16 01:22 01:27 01:32 01:33
11A 12:50 01:02 01:05 01:13 01:17 01:21 01:28 01:31 01:37 01:42 01:47 01:48
11A – 01:17 01:20 01:28 01:32 01:36 01:43 01:46 01:52 01:57 02:02 02:03
11A 01:20 01:32 01:35 01:43 01:47 01:51 01:58 02:01 02:07 02:12 02:17 02:18
11A – 01:47 01:50 01:58 02:02 02:06 02:13 02:16 02:22 02:27 02:32 02:33
11A 01:50 02:02 02:05 02:13 02:17 02:21 02:28 02:31 02:37 02:42 02:47 02:48
11A – 02:17 02:20 02:28 02:32 02:36 02:43 02:46 02:52 02:57 03:02 03:03
11A 02:20 02:32 02:35 02:43 02:47 02:51 02:58 03:01 03:07 03:12 03:17 03:18
11A – 02:47 02:50 02:58 03:02 03:06 03:13 03:16 03:22 03:27 03:32 03:33
11A 02:50 03:02 03:05 03:13 03:17 03:21 03:28 03:31 03:37 03:42 03:47 03:48
11A – 03:17 03:20 03:28 03:32 03:36 03:43 03:46 03:52 03:57 04:02 04:03
11A 03:20 03:32 03:35 03:43 03:47 03:51 03:58 04:01 04:07 04:12 04:17 04:18
11A – 03:47 03:50 03:58 04:02 04:06 04:13 04:16 04:22 04:27 04:32 04:33
11A 03:50 04:02 04:05 04:13 04:17 04:21 04:28 04:31 04:37 04:42 04:47 04:48
11A – 04:17 04:20 04:28 04:32 04:36 04:43 04:46 04:52 04:57 05:02 05:03
11A 04:20 04:32 04:35 04:43 04:47 04:51 04:58 05:01 05:07 05:12 05:17 05:18
11A – 04:47 04:50 04:58 05:02 05:06 05:13 05:16 05:22 05:27 05:32 05:33
11A 04:50 05:02 05:05 05:13 05:17 05:21 05:28 05:31 05:37 05:42 05:47 05:48
11A – 05:17 05:20 05:28 05:32 05:36 05:43 05:46 05:52 05:57 06:02 06:03
11A 05:21 05:32 05:35 05:43 05:47 05:51 05:58 06:01 06:07 06:12 06:17 06:18
11A – 05:47 05:50 05:58 06:02 06:06 06:13 06:16 06:22 06:27 06:32 06:33
11A 05:51 06:02 06:05 06:13 06:17 06:21 06:28 06:31 06:37 06:42 06:47 06:48
11A 06:21 06:32 06:35 06:43 06:47 06:51 06:58 07:01 07:07 07:12 07:17 07:18
11A 06:52 07:03 07:06 07:14 07:18 07:21 07:28 07:31 07:37 07:42 07:47 07:48
11A 07:22 07:33 07:36 07:44 07:48 07:51 07:58 08:01 08:07 08:12 08:17 08:18
11A 07:52 08:03 08:06 08:14 08:18 08:21 08:28 08:31 08:37 08:42 08:46 08:47
11A 08:22 08:33 08:36 08:44 08:48 08:51 08:58 09:01 09:07 09:12 09:16 09:17
11A 08:50 09:01 09:04 09:12 09:16 09:19 09:26 09:29 09:35 09:40 09:44 09:45
11A 09:08 09:19 09:22 09:30 09:34 09:37 09:44 09:47 09:53 09:58 10:02 10:03
11A 09:39 09:50 09:53 10:01 10:05 10:08 10:14 10:17 10:23 10:28 10:32 10:33
11A 10:06 10:17 10:20 10:28 10:32 10:35 10:41 10:44 10:50 10:55 10:59 11:00
11A 10:35 10:46 10:49 10:57 11:01 11:04 11:10 11:13 11:19 11:24 11:28 11:29
11A 11:06 11:17 11:20 11:27 11:31 11:34 11:40 11:43 11:49 11:54 11:58 11:59
11A 11:32 11:43 11:46 11:53 11:57 12:10 12:15 12:18 12:24 12:29 12:33 12:34


11A – 12:43 12:46 12:53 12:57 01:10 01:15 01:18 01:24 01:28 01:31 01:32

Sunday Bus Schedule 11 local Southbound

From Columbia Heights to south Minneapolis via downtown Minneapolis
From Columbia Heights to south Minneapolis via downtown Minneapolis
Columbia Heights Transit Center Grand St and 29th Ave Lowry Ave NE and 2nd St NE DeLaSalle High School Nicollet Mall and 3rd St Nicollet Mall and 7th St Nicollet Ave and Grant St 3rd Ave and Franklin Ave 4th Ave and Lake St 4th Ave and 38th St I-35W & 46th St Station Nicollet Ave and 46th St

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12


11A – 04:39 04:42 04:49 04:53 05:03 05:08 05:11 05:16 05:20 05:24 05:25
11A 05:37 05:47 05:50 05:57 06:01 06:03 06:08 06:11 06:16 06:20 06:24 06:25
11A 06:37 06:47 06:50 06:57 07:01 07:03 07:08 07:11 07:17 07:21 07:25 07:26
11A 07:37 07:47 07:50 07:57 08:01 08:03 08:08 08:11 08:17 08:21 08:25 08:26
11A 08:05 08:16 08:19 08:26 08:30 08:33 08:39 08:42 08:48 08:53 08:57 08:58
11A 08:52 09:03 09:06 09:13 09:17 09:20 09:26 09:29 09:35 09:40 09:45 09:46
11A 09:23 09:34 09:37 09:45 09:49 09:52 09:58 10:01 10:07 10:12 10:17 10:18
11A 09:52 10:03 10:06 10:14 10:18 10:21 10:28 10:31 10:37 10:42 10:47 10:48
11A 10:22 10:33 10:36 10:44 10:48 10:51 10:58 11:01 11:07 11:12 11:17 11:18
11A 10:52 11:03 11:06 11:14 11:18 11:21 11:28 11:31 11:37 11:42 11:47 11:48
11A 11:22 11:33 11:36 11:44 11:48 11:51 11:58 12:01 12:07 12:12 12:17 12:18
11A 11:52 12:03 12:06 12:14 12:18 12:21 12:28 12:31 12:37 12:42 12:47 12:48


11A 12:22 12:33 12:36 12:44 12:48 12:51 12:58 01:01 01:07 01:12 01:17 01:18
11A 12:52 01:03 01:06 01:14 01:18 01:21 01:28 01:31 01:37 01:42 01:47 01:48
11A 01:22 01:33 01:36 01:44 01:48 01:51 01:58 02:01 02:07 02:12 02:17 02:18
11A 01:52 02:03 02:06 02:14 02:18 02:21 02:28 02:31 02:37 02:42 02:47 02:48
11A 02:22 02:33 02:36 02:44 02:48 02:51 02:58 03:01 03:07 03:12 03:17 03:18
11A 02:52 03:03 03:06 03:14 03:18 03:21 03:28 03:31 03:37 03:42 03:47 03:48
11A 03:22 03:33 03:36 03:44 03:48 03:51 03:58 04:01 04:07 04:12 04:17 04:18
11A 03:51 04:02 04:05 04:13 04:17 04:21 04:28 04:31 04:37 04:42 04:47 04:48
11A 04:21 04:32 04:35 04:43 04:47 04:51 04:58 05:01 05:07 05:12 05:17 05:18
11A 04:51 05:02 05:05 05:13 05:17 05:21 05:28 05:31 05:37 05:42 05:47 05:48
11A 05:21 05:32 05:35 05:43 05:47 05:51 05:58 06:01 06:07 06:12 06:17 06:18
11A 05:52 06:03 06:06 06:14 06:18 06:21 06:28 06:31 06:37 06:42 06:47 06:48
11A 06:22 06:33 06:36 06:44 06:48 06:51 06:58 07:01 07:07 07:12 07:17 07:18
11A 06:42 06:53 06:56 07:04 07:08 07:11 07:18 07:21 07:27 07:32 07:37 07:38
11A 07:02 07:13 07:16 07:24 07:28 07:31 07:38 07:41 07:47 07:52 07:57 07:58
11A 07:32 07:43 07:46 07:54 07:58 08:01 08:08 08:11 08:17 08:22 08:26 08:27
11A 08:02 08:13 08:16 08:24 08:28 08:31 08:37 08:40 08:46 08:51 08:55 08:56
11A 08:32 08:43 08:46 08:53 08:57 09:00 09:06 09:09 09:15 09:20 09:24 09:25
11A 09:17 09:28 09:31 09:38 09:42 09:45 09:51 09:54 10:00 10:05 10:09 10:10
11A 10:02 10:13 10:16 10:23 10:27 10:30 10:36 10:39 10:45 10:50 10:54 10:55
11A 10:42 10:53 10:56 11:03 11:07 11:10 11:16 11:19 11:25 11:30 11:34 11:35
11A 11:32 11:43 11:46 11:53 11:57 12:10 12:15 12:18 12:24 12:29 12:33 12:34


11A 12:32 12:43 12:46 12:53 12:57 01:10 01:15 01:18 01:24 01:28 01:31 01:32