DDOT BUS SCHEDULE 32 MCNICHOLS. Bus Schedule DDOT 32 discover your next journey with DDOT! Our bus schedules are meticulously organized for your convenience. At the top of our schedule, we feature key stops, listed sequentially for easy navigation. To find out when the bus departs from each major stop, simply glance down the corresponding column. But that’s not all – our buses also serve numerous additional stops along the route. For a comprehensive list of all stops, including those between the major ones, be sure to visit our stops page. Travel smart and efficiently with DDOT’s well-structured bus schedules!


Day of week: Weekday
Direction: Eastbound

McNichols & Telegraph
McNichols & Evergreen
McNichols & Schaefer
McNichols & Meyers
McNichols & Livernois
McNichols & Woodward
Van Dyke & McNichols
7 Mile & Van Dyke
McNichols & Conner
McNichols & Gunston
Seymour & Gratiot
Harper & Whittier
Mack & Cadieux
Moross & Mack
04:55 05:01 05:12 05:14 05:20 05:26 05:43 05:46 05:50 05:52 05:56 06:06 06:15 –
05:35 05:41 05:52 05:54 06:00 06:06 06:23 06:26 06:30 06:32 06:37 06:48 06:57 –
06:10 06:16 06:27 06:29 06:36 06:43 07:01 07:05 07:10 07:12 07:17 07:28 07:37 –
06:40 06:47 06:59 07:01 07:08 07:15 07:33 07:37 07:42 07:44 07:49 08:00 08:09 –
07:10 07:17 07:29 07:31 07:38 07:45 08:03 08:07 08:12 08:14 08:19 08:30 08:39 –
07:40 07:47 07:59 08:01 08:08 08:15 08:33 08:37 08:42 08:44 08:49 09:00 09:09 –
08:10 08:17 08:29 08:31 08:38 08:45 09:03 09:07 09:12 09:14 09:19 09:30 09:39 –
08:40 08:47 08:59 09:01 09:08 09:15 09:34 09:38 09:43 09:45 09:50 10:01 10:10 –
09:10 09:17 09:29 09:31 09:38 09:45 10:04 10:08 10:13 10:15 10:20 10:31 10:40 –
09:50 09:57 10:09 10:11 10:18 10:25 10:44 10:48 10:53 10:55 11:00 11:11 11:20 –
10:30 10:37 10:49 10:51 10:58 11:05 11:24 11:28 11:33 11:35 11:40 11:51 12:00 –
11:10 11:17 11:29 11:31 11:38 11:45 12:04 12:08 12:13 12:15 12:20 12:31 12:40 –
11:50 11:57 12:09 12:11 12:18 12:25 12:44 12:48 12:53 12:55 01:00 01:11 01:20 –
12:30 12:37 12:49 12:51 12:58 01:05 01:24 01:28 01:33 01:35 01:40 01:51 02:00 –
01:10 01:17 01:29 01:31 01:38 01:45 02:04 02:08 02:13 02:15 02:20 02:31 02:41 –
01:50 01:57 02:09 02:11 02:18 02:25 02:44 02:48 02:54 02:56 03:02 03:14 03:24 –
02:20 02:27 02:39 02:41 02:49 02:56 03:15 03:19 03:25 03:27 03:33 03:45 03:55 –
02:50 02:57 03:09 03:11 03:19 03:26 03:45 03:49 03:55 03:57 04:03 04:15 04:25 –
03:20 03:27 03:39 03:41 03:49 03:56 04:15 04:19 04:25 04:27 04:33 04:45 04:55 –
03:50 03:57 04:09 04:11 04:19 04:26 04:45 04:49 04:55 04:57 05:03 05:15 05:25 –
04:20 04:27 04:39 04:41 04:49 04:56 05:15 05:19 05:25 05:27 05:33 05:45 05:54 –
04:50 04:57 05:09 05:11 05:19 05:26 05:45 05:49 05:54 05:56 06:01 06:12 06:21 –
05:20 05:27 05:39 05:41 05:48 05:55 06:13 06:17 06:22 06:24 06:29 06:40 06:49 –
05:50 05:57 06:09 06:11 06:18 06:25 06:43 06:47 06:52 06:54 06:59 07:10 07:19 07:25
06:30 06:37 06:49 06:51 06:58 07:05 07:23 07:27 07:32 07:34 07:39 07:50 07:59 08:05
07:15 07:22 07:34 07:36 07:43 07:49 08:06 08:09 08:14 08:16 08:21 08:32 08:41 08:47
08:15 08:22 08:34 08:36 08:43 08:49 09:06 09:09 09:14 09:16 09:21 09:32 09:41 09:47
09:15 09:22 09:34 09:36 09:43 09:49 10:06 10:09 10:13 10:15 10:19 10:29 10:37 10:43
10:15 10:21 10:32 10:34 10:40 10:46 11:03 11:06 11:10 11:12 11:16 11:26 11:34 11:40
11:15 11:21 11:32 11:34 11:40 11:46 12:03 12:06 12:10 12:12 12:16 12:26 12:34 12:40
12:15 12:21 12:32 12:34 12:40 12:46 01:03 01:06 01:10 01:12 01:16 01:26 01:34 01:40

Bus Schedule DDOT 32 discover your next journey with DDOT! Our bus schedules are meticulously organized for your convenience. At the top of our schedule, we feature key stops, listed sequentially for easy navigation. To find out when the bus departs from each major stop, simply glance down the corresponding column. But that’s not all – our buses also serve numerous additional stops along the route. For a comprehensive list of all stops, including those between the major ones, be sure to visit our stops page. Travel smart and efficiently with DDOT’s well-structured bus schedules!

Day of week: Weekday
Direction: Westbound

Moross & Mack
Cadieux & Mack
Whittier & Harper
McNichols & Gratiot
McNichols & Gunston
E Outer Dr & McNichols
Van Dyke & 7 Mile
McNichols & Van Dyke
McNichols & Woodward
McNichols & Livernois
McNichols & Meyers
McNichols & Schaefer
McNichols & Evergreen
McNichols & Telegraph
– 04:40 04:46 04:56 04:59 05:01 05:07 05:10 05:27 05:34 05:39 05:41 05:53 06:02
– 05:20 05:26 05:36 05:39 05:41 05:47 05:50 06:07 06:14 06:19 06:21 06:34 06:43
– 05:50 05:56 06:06 06:09 06:11 06:17 06:20 06:38 06:45 06:51 06:53 07:06 07:15
– 06:20 06:27 06:38 06:42 06:44 06:50 06:54 07:12 07:19 07:25 07:27 07:40 07:49
– 06:50 06:57 07:08 07:12 07:14 07:20 07:24 07:42 07:49 07:55 07:57 08:10 08:19
– 07:20 07:27 07:38 07:42 07:44 07:50 07:54 08:12 08:19 08:25 08:27 08:40 08:49
– 07:50 07:57 08:08 08:12 08:14 08:20 08:24 08:42 08:49 08:55 08:57 09:09 09:18
– 08:20 08:27 08:38 08:42 08:44 08:50 08:54 09:12 09:20 09:27 09:29 09:41 09:50
– 08:50 08:57 09:08 09:13 09:15 09:21 09:25 09:43 09:51 09:58 10:00 10:12 10:21
– 09:30 09:37 09:48 09:53 09:55 10:01 10:05 10:23 10:31 10:38 10:40 10:52 11:01
– 10:10 10:17 10:28 10:33 10:35 10:41 10:45 11:03 11:11 11:18 11:20 11:32 11:41
– 10:50 10:57 11:08 11:13 11:15 11:21 11:25 11:43 11:51 11:58 12:00 12:12 12:21
– 11:30 11:37 11:48 11:53 11:55 12:01 12:05 12:23 12:31 12:38 12:40 12:52 01:01
– 12:10 12:17 12:28 12:33 12:35 12:41 12:45 01:03 01:11 01:18 01:20 01:32 01:41
– 12:50 12:57 01:08 01:13 01:15 01:21 01:25 01:43 01:51 01:58 02:00 02:12 02:21
– 01:30 01:37 01:48 01:53 01:55 02:01 02:05 02:23 02:31 02:38 02:40 02:52 03:02
– 02:05 02:12 02:23 02:28 02:30 02:37 02:41 02:59 03:07 03:14 03:16 03:28 03:38
– 02:35 02:42 02:54 02:59 03:01 03:08 03:12 03:30 03:38 03:45 03:47 03:59 04:09
– 03:05 03:12 03:24 03:29 03:31 03:38 03:42 04:00 04:08 04:15 04:17 04:29 04:39
– 03:35 03:42 03:54 03:59 04:01 04:08 04:12 04:30 04:38 04:45 04:47 04:59 05:09
– 04:05 04:12 04:24 04:29 04:31 04:38 04:42 05:00 05:08 05:15 05:17 05:29 05:38
– 04:35 04:42 04:54 04:59 05:01 05:08 05:12 05:30 05:38 05:44 05:46 05:58 06:07
– 05:05 05:12 05:24 05:29 05:31 05:37 05:41 05:58 06:06 06:12 06:14 06:26 06:35
– 05:35 05:42 05:53 05:57 05:59 06:05 06:09 06:26 06:34 06:40 06:42 06:54 07:03
– 06:05 06:12 06:23 06:27 06:29 06:35 06:39 06:56 07:04 07:10 07:12 07:24 07:33
– 06:45 06:52 07:03 07:07 07:09 07:15 07:19 07:36 07:43 07:48 07:50 08:01 08:10
07:33 07:38 07:45 07:55 07:58 08:00 08:06 08:09 08:26 08:33 08:38 08:40 08:51 09:00
08:33 08:38 08:45 08:55 08:58 09:00 09:06 09:09 09:26 09:33 09:38 09:40 09:51 10:00
09:33 09:38 09:45 09:55 09:58 10:00 10:06 10:09 10:25 10:32 10:37 10:39 10:49 10:58
10:33 10:38 10:44 10:54 10:57 10:59 11:05 11:08 11:24 11:31 11:36 11:38 11:48 11:57
11:33 11:38 11:44 11:54 11:57 11:59 12:05 12:08 12:24 12:31 12:36 12:38 12:48 12:57

Bus Schedule DDOT 32 discover your next journey with DDOT! Our bus schedules are meticulously organized for your convenience. At the top of our schedule, we feature key stops, listed sequentially for easy navigation. To find out when the bus departs from each major stop, simply glance down the corresponding column. But that’s not all – our buses also serve numerous additional stops along the route. For a comprehensive list of all stops, including those between the major ones, be sure to visit our stops page. Travel smart and efficiently with DDOT’s well-structured bus schedules!

Day of week: Sunday
Direction: Eastbound

Meijer Old Redford
McNichols & Evergreen
McNichols & Schaefer
McNichols & Meyers
McNichols & Livernois
McNichols & Woodward
Van Dyke & McNichols
7 Mile & Van Dyke
McNichols & Conner
McNichols & Gunston
Seymour & Gratiot
Harper & Whittier
Mack & Cadieux
07:00 07:04 07:14 07:16 07:21 07:27 07:42 07:45 07:49 07:51 07:55 08:04 08:13
08:00 08:04 08:14 08:16 08:21 08:27 08:42 08:45 08:49 08:51 08:55 09:04 09:13
09:00 09:04 09:14 09:16 09:21 09:27 09:42 09:45 09:49 09:51 09:55 10:04 10:13
10:00 10:04 10:14 10:16 10:21 10:27 10:42 10:45 10:49 10:51 10:55 11:04 11:13
11:00 11:04 11:15 11:17 11:23 11:29 11:45 11:48 11:52 11:54 11:59 12:09 12:18
12:00 12:04 12:15 12:17 12:23 12:29 12:45 12:48 12:52 12:54 12:59 01:09 01:18
01:00 01:04 01:15 01:17 01:23 01:29 01:45 01:48 01:52 01:54 01:59 02:09 02:18
02:00 02:04 02:15 02:17 02:23 02:29 02:45 02:48 02:52 02:54 02:59 03:09 03:18
03:00 03:04 03:15 03:17 03:23 03:29 03:45 03:48 03:52 03:54 03:59 04:09 04:18
04:00 04:04 04:15 04:17 04:23 04:29 04:45 04:48 04:52 04:54 04:59 05:09 05:18
05:00 05:04 05:15 05:17 05:23 05:29 05:45 05:48 05:52 05:54 05:59 06:08 06:17
06:00 06:04 06:14 06:16 06:21 06:27 06:42 06:45 06:49 06:51 06:55 07:04 07:13
07:00 07:04 07:14 07:16 07:21 07:27 07:42 07:45 07:49 07:51 07:55 08:04 08:13
08:00 08:04 08:14 08:16 08:21 08:27 08:42 08:45 08:49 08:51 08:55 09:04 09:13
09:00 09:04 09:14 09:16 09:21 09:27 09:42 09:45 09:49 09:51 09:55 10:04 10:13

Bus Schedule DDOT 32 discover your next journey with DDOT! Our bus schedules are meticulously organized for your convenience. At the top of our schedule, we feature key stops, listed sequentially for easy navigation. To find out when the bus departs from each major stop, simply glance down the corresponding column. But that’s not all – our buses also serve numerous additional stops along the route. For a comprehensive list of all stops, including those between the major ones, be sure to visit our stops page. Travel smart and efficiently with DDOT’s well-structured bus schedules!

Day of week: Sunday
Direction: Westbound

Cadieux & Mack
Whittier & Harper
McNichols & Gratiot
McNichols & Gunston
E Outer Dr & McNichols
Van Dyke & 7 Mile
McNichols & Van Dyke
McNichols & Woodward
McNichols & Livernois
McNichols & Meyers
McNichols & Schaefer
McNichols & Evergreen
Meijer Old Redford
06:30 06:36 06:46 06:49 06:51 06:56 06:59 07:14 07:20 07:25 07:27 07:38 07:42
07:30 07:36 07:46 07:49 07:51 07:56 07:59 08:14 08:20 08:25 08:27 08:38 08:42
08:30 08:36 08:46 08:49 08:51 08:56 08:59 09:14 09:20 09:25 09:27 09:38 09:42
09:30 09:36 09:46 09:49 09:51 09:56 09:59 10:14 10:20 10:25 10:27 10:38 10:42
10:30 10:36 10:46 10:49 10:51 10:56 10:59 11:16 11:22 11:27 11:29 11:40 11:44
11:30 11:37 11:48 11:52 11:54 12:00 12:03 12:20 12:26 12:31 12:33 12:44 12:48
12:30 12:37 12:48 12:52 12:54 01:00 01:03 01:20 01:26 01:31 01:33 01:44 01:48
01:30 01:37 01:48 01:52 01:54 02:00 02:03 02:20 02:26 02:31 02:33 02:44 02:48
02:30 02:37 02:48 02:52 02:54 03:00 03:03 03:20 03:26 03:31 03:33 03:44 03:48
03:30 03:37 03:48 03:52 03:54 04:00 04:03 04:20 04:26 04:31 04:33 04:44 04:48
04:30 04:37 04:48 04:52 04:54 05:00 05:03 05:20 05:26 05:31 05:33 05:44 05:48
05:30 05:37 05:48 05:52 05:54 06:00 06:03 06:19 06:25 06:30 06:32 06:43 06:47
06:30 06:36 06:46 06:49 06:51 06:56 06:59 07:15 07:21 07:26 07:28 07:39 07:43
07:30 07:36 07:46 07:49 07:51 07:56 07:59 08:15 08:21 08:26 08:28 08:39 08:43
08:30 08:36 08:46 08:49 08:51 08:56 08:59 09:15 09:21 09:26 09:28 09:39 09:43

Bus Schedule DDOT 32 discover your next journey with DDOT! Our bus schedules are meticulously organized for your convenience. At the top of our schedule, we feature key stops, listed sequentially for easy navigation. To find out when the bus departs from each major stop, simply glance down the corresponding column. But that’s not all – our buses also serve numerous additional stops along the route. For a comprehensive list of all stops, including those between the major ones, be sure to visit our stops page. Travel smart and efficiently with DDOT’s well-structured bus schedules!

Day of week: Saturday
Direction: Eastbound

Meijer Old Redford
McNichols & Evergreen
McNichols & Schaefer
McNichols & Meyers
McNichols & Livernois
McNichols & Woodward
Van Dyke & McNichols
7 Mile & Van Dyke
McNichols & Conner
McNichols & Gunston
Seymour & Gratiot
Harper & Whittier
Mack & Cadieux
Moross & Mack
05:45 05:49 05:59 06:01 06:06 06:12 06:27 06:30 06:34 06:36 06:40 06:50 06:59 –
06:45 06:49 06:59 07:01 07:06 07:12 07:27 07:30 07:34 07:36 07:40 07:50 07:59 –
07:45 07:49 07:59 08:01 08:06 08:13 08:29 08:32 08:36 08:38 08:43 08:53 09:02 –
08:45 08:49 09:00 09:02 09:07 09:14 09:30 09:33 09:37 09:39 09:44 09:54 10:03 –
09:45 09:49 10:00 10:02 10:07 10:14 10:30 10:33 10:38 10:40 10:45 10:56 11:05 –
10:45 10:49 11:00 11:02 11:08 11:15 11:31 11:34 11:39 11:41 11:46 11:57 12:06 –
11:45 11:49 12:00 12:02 12:08 12:15 12:31 12:34 12:39 12:41 12:46 12:57 01:06 –
12:45 12:49 01:00 01:02 01:08 01:15 01:31 01:34 01:39 01:41 01:46 01:57 02:06 –
01:45 01:49 02:00 02:02 02:08 02:15 02:31 02:34 02:39 02:41 02:46 02:57 03:06 –
02:45 02:49 03:00 03:02 03:08 03:15 03:31 03:34 03:39 03:41 03:46 03:57 04:06 –
03:45 03:49 04:00 04:02 04:08 04:15 04:31 04:34 04:39 04:41 04:46 04:57 05:06 –
04:45 04:49 05:00 05:02 05:08 05:15 05:31 05:34 05:39 05:41 05:46 05:57 06:06 –
05:45 05:49 06:00 06:02 06:08 06:15 06:31 06:34 06:39 06:41 06:46 06:56 07:05 –
06:45 06:49 07:00 07:02 07:08 07:15 07:31 07:34 07:39 07:41 07:46 07:56 08:05 –
07:43 07:47 07:58 08:00 08:06 08:13 08:29 08:32 08:37 08:39 08:44 08:54 09:03 09:08
08:43 08:47 08:58 09:00 09:05 09:11 09:26 09:29 09:33 09:35 09:39 09:49 09:58 10:03
09:43 09:47 09:57 09:59 10:04 10:10 10:25 10:28 10:32 10:34 10:38 10:48 10:57 11:02
10:43 10:47 10:57 10:59 11:04 11:10 11:25 11:28 11:32 11:34 11:38 11:48 11:57 12:02
11:43 11:47 11:57 11:59 12:04 12:10 12:25 12:28 12:32 12:34 12:38 12:48 12:57 01:02

Bus Schedule DDOT 32 discover your next journey with DDOT! Our bus schedules are meticulously organized for your convenience. At the top of our schedule, we feature key stops, listed sequentially for easy navigation. To find out when the bus departs from each major stop, simply glance down the corresponding column. But that’s not all – our buses also serve numerous additional stops along the route. For a comprehensive list of all stops, including those between the major ones, be sure to visit our stops page. Travel smart and efficiently with DDOT’s well-structured bus schedules!

Day of week: Saturday
Direction: Westbound

Moross & Mack
Cadieux & Mack
Whittier & Harper
McNichols & Gratiot
McNichols & Gunston
E Outer Dr & McNichols
Van Dyke & 7 Mile
McNichols & Van Dyke
McNichols & Woodward
McNichols & Livernois
McNichols & Meyers
McNichols & Schaefer
McNichols & Evergreen
Meijer Old Redford
– 05:20 05:26 05:36 05:39 05:41 05:46 05:49 06:05 06:11 06:16 06:18 06:29 06:33
– 06:20 06:26 06:36 06:39 06:41 06:46 06:49 07:05 07:11 07:16 07:18 07:29 07:33
– 07:20 07:26 07:36 07:39 07:41 07:46 07:49 08:05 08:11 08:17 08:19 08:30 08:34
– 08:20 08:26 08:37 08:40 08:42 08:48 08:51 09:08 09:14 09:20 09:22 09:33 09:37
– 09:20 09:26 09:37 09:40 09:42 09:48 09:51 10:08 10:14 10:20 10:22 10:33 10:37
– 10:15 10:21 10:32 10:36 10:38 10:44 10:47 11:05 11:11 11:17 11:19 11:31 11:35
– 11:15 11:22 11:34 11:38 11:40 11:46 11:49 12:07 12:13 12:19 12:21 12:33 12:37
– 12:15 12:22 12:34 12:38 12:40 12:46 12:49 01:07 01:13 01:19 01:21 01:33 01:37
– 01:15 01:22 01:34 01:38 01:40 01:46 01:49 02:07 02:13 02:19 02:21 02:33 02:37
– 02:15 02:22 02:34 02:38 02:40 02:46 02:49 03:07 03:13 03:19 03:21 03:33 03:37
– 03:15 03:22 03:34 03:38 03:40 03:46 03:49 04:07 04:13 04:19 04:21 04:33 04:37
– 04:15 04:22 04:34 04:38 04:40 04:46 04:49 05:07 05:13 05:19 05:21 05:33 05:37
– 05:15 05:22 05:34 05:38 05:40 05:46 05:49 06:07 06:13 06:19 06:21 06:32 06:36
– 06:15 06:22 06:33 06:37 06:39 06:45 06:48 07:05 07:11 07:17 07:19 07:30 07:34
– 07:15 07:22 07:33 07:37 07:39 07:45 07:48 08:05 08:11 08:17 08:19 08:30 08:34
– 08:15 08:22 08:33 08:37 08:39 08:45 08:48 09:05 09:11 09:16 09:18 09:29 09:33
09:16 09:20 09:26 09:36 09:39 09:41 09:46 09:49 10:05 10:11 10:16 10:18 10:29 10:33
10:16 10:20 10:26 10:36 10:39 10:41 10:46 10:49 11:05 11:11 11:16 11:18 11:29 11:33
11:16 11:20 11:26 11:36 11:39 11:41 11:46 11:49 12:05 12:11 12:16 12:18 12:29 12:33

Route Bus DDOT 32 Direction Eastbound

McNichols & Telegraph#9860
McNichols & Riverdale#9923
McNichols & Beaverland#3356
McNichols & Lamphere#8879
McNichols & Lahser#5863
McNichols & Chapel#5869
McNichols & Grand River#9839
McNichols & Trinity#5875
McNichols & Braile#5878
McNichols & Stout#7228
McNichols & Evergreen#7230
McNichols & Westmoreland#7234
McNichols & W Outer Dr#7237
McNichols & Sunderland#3191
McNichols & Greenview#3193
McNichols & Rosemont#3195
McNichols & Southfield#513
McNichols & Harlow#3201
McNichols & Gilchrist#3204
McNichols & Asbury Park#3010
McNichols & Mansfield#6135
McNichols & Forrer#6137
McNichols & Greenfield#6046
McNichols & Sussex#6150
McNichols & Robson#6152
McNichols & Marlowe#6154
McNichols & Strathmoor#6867
McNichols & Ardmore#6869
McNichols & Lesure#6872
McNichols & Schaefer#514
McNichols & Littlefield#6878
McNichols & Ward#6879
McNichols & Lodge Service Dr#3012
McNichols & Meyers#3017
McNichols & Monte Vista#3019
McNichols & Birwood#4169
McNichols & Ilene#4171
McNichols & Wyoming#4172
McNichols & Wisconsin#4176
McNichols & Cherrylawn#4178
McNichols & Greenlawn#4180
McNichols & San Juan#2841
McNichols & Stoepel#2844
McNichols & Livernois#515
McNichols & Oak#6217
McNichols & Fairfield#6223
McNichols & Parkside#6277
McNichols & Linwood#3385
McNichols & Baylis#3388
McNichols & Inverness#3275
McNichols & Rosa Parks#3287
McNichols & Hamilton#516
McNichols & Third#3402
McNichols & Second#8053
McNichols & Geneva#4170
McNichols & Woodward#517
McNichols & John R#8062
McNichols & Brush#7843
McNichols & Oakland#7846
McNichols & Cardoni#7850
McNichols & I-75 Service Dr#7420
McNichols & Orleans#3199
McNichols & Dequindre#7348
McNichols & Fleming#7427
McNichols & Mackay#5006
McNichols & Joseph Campau#5009
McNichols & Mitchell#5013
McNichols & Gallagher#5016
McNichols & Klinger#5030
McNichols & Conant#518
McNichols & Sunset#5041
McNichols & Justine#5043
McNichols & Hasse#5045
McNichols & Fenelon#5047
McNichols & Keystone#5049
McNichols & Bloom#5051
McNichols & Caldwell#2270
McNichols & Syracuse#2527
McNichols & Gable#2272
McNichols & St Louis#2274
McNichols & Mt Elliott#2215
McNichols @ 6450 E#5056
McNichols & Sherwood#2282
McNichols & Helen#2283
McNichols & Eldon#5057
Van Dyke & McNichols#5060
Van Dyke & Davison#5059
Van Dyke & Nevada#751
Van Dyke & Stockton#5070
Van Dyke & Hildale#4803
Van Dyke & Hollywood#4805
7 Mile & Van Dyke#4689
7 Mile & Veach#4691
7 Mile & Antwerp#4693
E Outer Dr & 7 Mile#3366
E Outer Dr & Eastwood#9065
E Outer Dr & Linnhurst#9061
E Outer Dr & Park Grove#9062
E Outer Dr & Greiner#9063
McNichols & Conner#522
McNichols & Algonac#2133
McNichols & Teppert#2136
McNichols & Portlance#2139
McNichols & Gunston#523
McNichols & Annott#8292
McNichols & Dresden#2146
McNichols & Hamburg#2148
McNichols & Barlow#2150
McNichols & Goulburn#1388
McNichols & Fairport#1391
McNichols & Joann#1393
McNichols & Hickory#1395
McNichols & Schoenherr#1397
Seymour & Gratiot#524
Seymour & Grover#1398
Seymour & Peoria#1401
Seymour & Chalmers#1408
Seymour & Celestine#1965
Seymour & MacCrary#124
Seymour & Queen#1981
Seymour & Hayes#126
Seymour & Brock#1982
Kelly & Troester#9055
Kelly & Young#1977
Kelly & Mayfield#1975
Whittier & Kelly#1973
Whittier & Duchess#1985
Whittier & Whitehill#1987
Whittier & Wayburn#1969
Whittier & Roxbury#1971
Whittier & Beaconsfield#3947
Whittier & Somerset#3948
Whittier & McKinney#3953
Whittier & King Richard#3951
Harper & Whittier#3963
Harper & Yorkshire#3853
Cadieux & Harper#3861
Cadieux & Berden#3977
Cadieux & Chandler Park Dr#3975
Cadieux & Southampton#3970
Cadieux & Warren#6522
Cadieux & Cornwall#6520
Cadieux & Waveney#6517
Cadieux & Rosewood#6516
Mack & Cadieux#510
Mack & Notre Dame#6415
Mack & Woodhall#6417
Mack & Neff#6419
Mack & University#8965
Mack & Washington#6488
Mack & Lincoln#6489
Mack & Fisher#6490
Mack & Cloverly#6493
Mack & Calvin#6494
Moross & Mack#70003

Route Bus DDOT 32 Direction Westbound

Moross & Mack#70003
Mack & Lannoo#6555
Mack & Warren#8297
Mack & Canyon#6492
Mack & Radnor#8299
Mack & Marseilles#6487
Mack & University#6422
Mack & Hereford#6420
Mack & Woodhall#6418
Mack & Bluehill#8968
Cadieux & Mack#527
Cadieux & Gravier#6514
Cadieux & Detroit#6518
Cadieux & Ontario#6521
Cadieux & Warren#6525
Cadieux & Southampton#3971
Cadieux & Chandler Park Dr#3976
Cadieux & Berden#3978
Harper & Cadieux#3857
Harper & Bishop#3854
Whittier & Harper#528
Whittier & King Richard#3950
Whittier & McKinney#3952
Whittier & Somerset#3949
Whittier & Beaconsfield#3946
Whittier & Lakepointe#1970
Whittier & Wayburn#1968
Whittier & Whitehill#1988
Whittier & Duchess#1984
Kelly & Whittier#1972
Kelly & Yorkshire#1976
Kelly & Troester#4817
Seymour & Kelly#4819
Seymour & Hayes#1897
Seymour & Queen#1980
Seymour & MacCrary#1966
Seymour & Celestine#1964
Seymour & Chalmers#1409
Seymour & Peoria#1400
Seymour & Grover#1399
McNichols & Gratiot#529
McNichols & Schoenherr#1396
McNichols & Hickory#1394
McNichols & Joann#1392
McNichols & Fairport#1390
McNichols & Goulburn#1389
McNichols & Barlow#2149
McNichols & Strasburg#2147
McNichols & Bradford#2145
McNichols & Gunston#530
McNichols & Albion#2138
McNichols & Teppert#2137
McNichols & Algonac#2134
E Outer Dr & McNichols#531
E Outer Dr & Greiner#2135
E Outer Dr & Park Grove#9064
E Outer Dr & Linnhurst#4807
E Outer Dr & Eastwood#4808
7 Mile & E Outer Dr#532
7 Mile & Antwerp#4692
7 Mile & Terrell#4690
Van Dyke & 7 Mile#755
Van Dyke & Robinwood#4806
Van Dyke & Hildale#4804
Van Dyke & Stockton#5071
Van Dyke & Nevada#756
Van Dyke & Iowa#5066
Van Dyke & Davison#5064
McNichols & Van Dyke#534
McNichols & Carrie#2284
McNichols & Sherwood#2281
McNichols @ 6451 E#2275
McNichols & Mt Elliott#2214
McNichols & Gable#2273
McNichols & Syracuse#2271
McNichols & Buffalo#2269
McNichols & Moenart#5050
McNichols & Fenelon#5048
McNichols & Healy#5046
McNichols & Eureka#5044
McNichols & Shields#5042
McNichols & Dean#5040
McNichols & Conant#535
McNichols & Newbern#5031
McNichols & Charest#5015
McNichols & Mitchell#5014
McNichols & Joseph Campau#5012
McNichols & Mackay#5007
McNichols & Goddard#7429
McNichols & Lumpkin#7426
McNichols & Dequindre#7347
McNichols & Riopelle#7422
McNichols & Cardoni#7849
McNichols & Oakland#7847
McNichols & Brush#7844
McNichols & John R#8063
McNichols & Woodward#2533
McNichols & Woodward#536
McNichols & Second#8054
McNichols & Third#3403
McNichols & Pontchartrain#537
McNichols & Rosa Parks#3286
McNichols & Log Cabin#3279
McNichols & Baylis#3387
McNichols & Normandy#3386
McNichols & Princeton#6279
McNichols & Parkside#6278
McNichols & Wildemere#6276
McNichols & Fairfield#6224
McNichols & Quincy#6216
McNichols & Livernois#538
McNichols & San Juan#60107
McNichols & Greenlawn#4181
McNichols & Ohio#60115
McNichols & Wyoming#4175
McNichols & Griggs#2528
McNichols & Pinehurst#3020
McNichols & Meyers#3018
McNichols & James Couzens#3013
McNichols & Ward#6880
McNichols & Snowden#6877
McNichols & Schaefer#539
McNichols & Lesure#6871
McNichols & Stansbury#6870
McNichols & Freeland#6868
McNichols & Hubbell#6862
McNichols & Lauder#6153
McNichols & Coyle#6151
McNichols & Whitcomb#6149
McNichols & Greenfield#6049
McNichols & Prevost#6136
McNichols & St Marys#6134
McNichols & Ferguson#3205
McNichols & Lindsay#3203
McNichols & Archdale#3200
McNichols & Southfield#540
McNichols & Glastonbury#3194
McNichols & Stahelin#3192
McNichols & Shaftsbury#7278
McNichols & Edinborough#7236
McNichols & Westmoreland#7235
McNichols & Evergreen#7232
McNichols & Heyden#7229
McNichols & Fielding#5879
McNichols & Pierson#5877
McNichols & Trinity#5876
McNichols & Bentler#5874
McNichols & Grand River#9066
McNichols & Lahser#2524
McNichols & Redford#9473
McNichols & Gore#8880
McNichols & Riverdale#9818
McNichols & Telegraph#60056